Help naming my rottweiler puppy


Well-Known Member
The clubs are making huge amounts of money and the government are soon regulating. They particularly seek cheaper weed and outdoor as there is a larger profit margin. There are some good clubs who sell top quality strains. Obviously they charge more though. I've got a stack of membership cards. Loads of my friends own clubs here and I usually frequent about 4-6. I don't really like Airam. My friend clubs are all in the centre. Marley, Kush, greenage etc. I like Cuidal Condal on Rambla de Cataluyna con Gran Via for Tapas. I've taken everyone there and they love it. I'm on the blue line ight now and the gypsies are playing Xmas music!
Ye I have heard about the new regulations the government want to bring about, its never too clear though. Anyhow nothing like your own ;)
If youre ever up for taking me to one of those places or putting in a word for me id be up for it, always nice to see a good club and what they got in. Ive not heard of any of those places. If you havent been to Mon verd I definetly reccomend it to you, theres a couple of haze strains there that are pretty special...


Well-Known Member
I think you get the same love, loyalty and unique character from all the 'bull' breeds. So many breeds have had there names tainted by the media, it's the deed not the breed people! A dog that is trained will be happy and calm when you are, the first time my bro brought his 2 month old daughter to the house he put her on the floor and the dog went and lay down next to her. Beautiful to see :)


Well-Known Member
I think you get the same love, loyalty and unique character from all the 'bull' breeds. So many breeds have had there names tainted by the media, it's the deed not the breed people! A dog that is trained will be happy and calm when you are, the first time my bro brought his 2 month old daughter to the house he put her on the floor and the dog went and lay down next to her. Beautiful to see :)
Ye that kind of shit is priceless!! The cat on the picture is my first cat too and ive had for 2 or so months now, hes the best. He can reach a toy about 5 feet in the air with just one jump, hes an athletic little fuck! A relaxed well behaved cat is one of the best stoning companions, ive come to find. Btw I dont think its cool to get your pets stoned on purpose and i have never even blown a bong rip on his face, eventhough he seems very interested in the whole ritual... I did get tempted to put a wee bit in his food after he was castrated to help him rest and give him an apetite but he didnt seem like he needed help recovering from it.
I've always ignored pets until recently, maybe cause i couldnt have one in the conditions i would like to be in if i were a pet. Now i even have an afinity for my worms in the worm bin hehe.


Well-Known Member
little late, but was thinking snots?

* sorry for your loss.
Hahahah wow man youre good! Youve managed to make to bring funny side to it while being very! Gotta be looking out for your jokes!

Moncho is a pretty cool dog name too, clumsy. Said with a spanish accent at least...

Thanks for your sentiment, much appreciated. this joint is getting passed your way!:joint: