Help Needed is this seedling over watered?


Well-Known Member
hi i just checked on my seedlings this morning and the skunk#1 the new leaves on it look like they may be starting to curl.

any advice appreciated


Well-Known Member
How often are you watering??..Ideally you dont wanna water until the top 1-2" of the soil is dry..Poke your finger in there and if your finger is moist when you pull it out, dont water, leave it til the next day and check again....Its really easy to over water these things, I've done it in the past too...when watering just bare in mind where these plants come from...Generally hot countries where they dont get soaked everyday..Also too much water,stops AIR getting to the roots,and air is vital for healthy rooting,and mold/root rot prevention.
Its much better to let a plant get a lil dry/thirsty, as its easily remedied...than over watered..

It could be a deficiency of some sort to, but your plant looks pretty healthy to me..and its highly unlikely its short of any nutes yet.
If the leaves are curling up..that is generally a magnesium deficiency..add 1/3 teaspoon of epsom salts to a litre of water -
Magnesium problems generally start with old leaves first and show signs of yellowing between the veins of the leaf moving outwards. The leaves curl upwards, hence the term 'praying for magnesium'
Leaves that are Drooping down/curling can often be root rot/watering problems(drowning roots)..often shows symptoms like nutrient deficiency


Well-Known Member
cheers frosty it may be me being paranoid as its my first grow i asked on another forum as well and they are saying they look ok at the minute


Active Member
put some coal in the bottom of your pots,soaks up excess salts from the fertilizer,keeps soil nice and sweet mun.