Help! Not Flowering.


New Member
Hey everyone, this has been my first indoor grow. I used soil, will definitely go hyrdro on the next grow. Its been 2 weeks and it doesn't seem like my plants are flowering, there are white pistols coming out from the main stem and the branches. I used a magnifying glass and can barely see some pistols coming from the ends of the branches.
It looks as though the leaves are still growing out from the ends of the branches as well, is this normal. I shut their light off for 36 hours and they have been on 12/12 for 2 weeks now, it just doesn't seem like there flowering right. Can anyone give me some input on what the problem could be, and maybe if I can still get some results from them. Thanks, Dewbie Newbie.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't sound like a problem to me. 2-3 weeks is about how long it takes to notice it flowering, won't look like anything smokeable until 4-5.


Hey everyone, this has been my first indoor grow. I used soil, will definitely go hyrdro on the next grow. Its been 2 weeks and it doesn't seem like my plants are flowering, there are white pistols coming out from the main stem and the branches. I used a magnifying glass and can barely see some pistols coming from the ends of the branches.
It looks as though the leaves are still growing out from the ends of the branches as well, is this normal. I shut their light off for 36 hours and they have been on 12/12 for 2 weeks now, it just doesn't seem like there flowering right. Can anyone give me some input on what the problem could be, and maybe if I can still get some results from them. Thanks, Dewbie Newbie.
I had the same thing happen my first run. I figured that turning a light on for a few minutes during the 12 hours of lights out wouldn't hurt but was wrong. Are you interrupting the dark period perhaps?

Another big plus for me was switching from a few 2700k CFL bulbs to an HPS light.

Lighting was not specified but I've experienced slow flowering by not using enough light in my limited experience.

After reading a lot here at RIU and personal experience, three things are needed for my flowering applications.

1. No light leaks or interruption during dark hours.
2. Plenty of HPS lighting during 12 hour light period.
3. Nutrients that are specific to promoting bloom.

I haven't had any problems (knock on wood) with getting plants to flower as long as those three aspects are present.


New Member
Im running 600w HPS bloom bulb, I think. Ill check for light leaks as soon as the timer cuts the lights. Maybe I,m just stressing, Ill get stats of what I have and try to get some pics posted. I appreciate the help.


New Member
Hey everyone, would it be more beneficial to run 13/11 or 14/10 or should I just stay on 12/12?
Also should I trim some of the leaves off the bottom that are turning yellow?


13/11 or 14/10? Please explain. Never ever heard of that. I think it's only 12/12. Haven't heard anything different.


Well-Known Member
Some people think by running your lights less than 12 hours will somehow make the plant flower faster, which will do the opposite really.


Well-Known Member
So like 14 off and 10 on. I get it now. There is a reason everybody says 12/12.
Yep, they tend to not flower if the light is on for more than 12 hours indoors. If it's on for less the growth rate is reduced as obviously plants need light to photosynthesize.