Help People I Ripped One Cotyledon of my Seddling

Hey guys first timer here,

I have a White Widow seedling about 8 days from seed. I planted the seed shallower than I should have and the seed hull was still stuck when the sprout came out. Tried spraying with water and then removing the shell but when I was almost done I saw one of the cotyledons just separate from the plant (felt like losing a hand). Anyways, the seedling is fine I guess, just a bit slow on growth. What is weird is that I have kinda noticed that the 2nd set of leaves is growing on the half of the remaining cotyledon while its other half is not developing very much. Any idea of whats going on? What should I do? How should I help its growth? I have a little grow so I don't plan on having a very big plant. Im just planning on leaving it under my CFL daylight or cool white 23w 4100k 120v bulb for its veg and then switch to a pair of CFL's soft white 14w 2700k 120v for its flowering. Not sure yet about nutrients. Growing in cheap ass potting soil from schultz 0.08-0.12-0.08 (sorry but I have a bag just sitting in my house that I should use). Its getting 24h light and I think it will stay like that until flowering. Seedling is about 3 inches away from bulb, is this ok? LEMME HEAR FROM YOU PLEASE!

Thank you everybody and wish me luck on my first journey!


Well-Known Member
Don't worry about it because it shouldnt matter much but it might slow it down for a couple days since those are nutrient stores for the seedling so now it has to grow more roots to get those start up nutes. But dont stress it. SHould be fine
Should be fine. Get more lights! I grow in small ish places and I run 10,000 lumens per plant
Thanks for the advice, I just duplicated the lumens by adding another 23w bulb. I don't really want a big plant for now as I am trying to REALLY stealth grow. Im fine with an ounce or two from her, at least until I develop enough to maintain a bigger thing.
If you want an oz or two your going to need a lot more lights
I see, well I will see what I can do because the other day I plugged my 2 23w and the electricity kinda snapped and I lost the power in half of my apt. I had to replace a fusible to restore power. I don't really know how much I can connect here without burning the place haha. How much do you think I can get from my two 23w 100w equivalent 4100k? Thanks for the advice.


Well-Known Member
Your real wattage is 46 not 200, you won't get much growth.
put in 10 of those bulbs and you have 230 watts.
Find a happy medium if 10 is to much.


Global Moderator
Staff member
I don't really know how much I can connect here without burning the place haha.
A standard 110/120 vac Circuit should easily handle (15A x 120V =) 1800 watts or (20A x 120V =) 2400 watts before the breaker trips.

Keep in mind I said circuit and not just the outlet you're plugging into.
Take note of everything that "turns off" when you trip that breaker/fuse and those are all the appliances/equipment that are running on the same "wire".
A standard 110/120 vac Circuit should easily handle (15A x 120V =) 1800 watts or (20A x 120V =) 2400 watts before the breaker trips.

Keep in mind I said circuit and not just the outlet you're plugging into.
Take note of everything that "turns off" when you trip that breaker/fuse and those are all the appliances/equipment that are running on the same "wire".
I live in a small apt. so one fuse rules half of the apt. Kitchen and room, and the other one rules the living room and the and the other half of the room. How many 23w 4100k 120v should I put for a 2-3oz plant?

I really appreciate the advice!
I want to work entirely with cfls to minimize electricity. idk how much I can use without calling the attention of the buildings management.