HELP!phone rapair guy comin.


Well-Known Member
Just dont even worry about it. Its not his business to know what you have behind there. Unless he has some experience with gardening, he will overlook all that shit. Stick trash in front like they said. Yer good to go bro. Chances are its a young man about 21-25 yrs old, and he also puffs the magic dragon.


Well-Known Member
Eh he cant/wont do anything about it. He is not the authorities. If he does mention something and you think he might tell (which i wouldnt) then move your crop in boxes to another room during the end of a lighting period and set up the new room during dark hours.


Well-Known Member
Godkas you're definitely wrong about him not being able to do anything about it. Narcs get paid for a reason.

ablazed blunt

Well-Known Member
I would just move it to another room for a day. How hard could that be and then you don't have nothing to worry about.


Well-Known Member
In most cases if they cant see or smell it and theres a lock on the door the police need a seperate warrant to get into that section of the house.


Well-Known Member
hey, what happened with the phone guy, did he passed it with out noticing or did you bury him in the yard... ???:-D


Well-Known Member
I would have dressed up in my girlfriend's bra and panties but be polite ya know, then put a bunch of creepy crap around the door like couple dildos, maybe a blow up doll , and like all the vaseline you can muster out of the medicine cabinet and cover yourself with it while hes working on the line. Casually walk by and speak with a fruity lisp and say something like, "Im going to my special room to unwind for awhile, please leave the bill on the table lol , and if you want a reallllly special tip, then come down and just knock on the door chislechest". Gross? yeah but I promise any stories he has to tell anyone about his visit at your house will have nothing to do with marijuana.
P.S. Be advised to use judgement in this method, cause hell he may just knock. :o/


Active Member
I say you do it maifa style let him see the plants then put a gun to his head and tell him you want to see his ID write down the info and tell him if he talks you will have to take him out...


Well-Known Member
Just dont even worry about it. Its not his business to know what you have behind there. Unless he has some experience with gardening, he will overlook all that shit. Stick trash in front like they said. Yer good to go bro. Chances are its a young man about 21-25 yrs old, and he also puffs the magic dragon.
wasn't the magic dragon the UH gunship that puffed the little Vietnamese... wasn't about peaceful smoking that song:?