Help! Plant Found in my Backyard!


Active Member
Hey Guys, Check it out the Story Starts like this... I'm PLayinG MetalGearSolid4 on my Ps3 wen my Mom calls me out to the garden to show me a Pot Plant growning in her herb garden. Mom being a "Once was" Hippie ans my Dad a Lazy ass Rostafarrian she let it live. Now I didnt plant that seed intentionally so it must have been just thown out there while i was rollinitup. So Now that i have this Plant i'm just looking for some tips to you kno... like get the best yield possible form this very fortionate accident. it seems to be 3-5 weeks old the leafs are crazy bigg, smells so sweet, and the base of the stem is like purple. so Thats my story hopefully u guys here at Rollitup can help me out with Nutes and things like that. i'm going to go poke around this site some more in the mean time.

Thanks Guys,


Well-Known Member

i don't know much about non-hydro growing, what i can tell you is;

you might want a ph tester and ph up + down, even though your plant seems like it's thriving, if you choose to use nutes, they can make the ph fluctuate alot. i don't think a ppm meter is neccessary, i may be wrong though.

other than maybe afew more nutrients like a flush solution and a flowering booster, i can't think of much more that you'd need, it sounds like it's doing pretty well.

uh, do you have any pictures of it?
are the leaves kinda fat or are they more pointy and slender?


Well-Known Member
i would get a ppm pen.the purple stems is acualy probably not good. my geusse is from being in ground soil there are no nutes in it and that causes atress and purple stems.could also be many other things just my geusse because of soil conditions. need veg nutes (depending if it`s still in veg) and flower nutes


Active Member

i don't know much about non-hydro growing, what i can tell you is;

you might want a ph tester and ph up + down, even though your plant seems like it's thriving, if you choose to use nutes, they can make the ph fluctuate alot. i don't think a ppm meter is neccessary, i may be wrong though.

other than maybe afew more nutrients like a flush solution and a flowering booster, i can't think of much more that you'd need, it sounds like it's doing pretty well.

uh, do you have any pictures of it?
are the leaves kinda fat or are they more pointy and slender?
nah no pics yet. i'll try an get some up here in a lil bit tho.
as far as nutes keep in mind this plant is growing in mom dukes herb garden i dont want to destory her craap but ya kno. and um what do u mean regarding the leaves?


Active Member
i would get a ppm pen.the purple stems is acualy probably not good. my geusse is from being in ground soil there are no nutes in it and that causes atress and purple stems.could also be many other things just my geusse because of soil conditions. need veg nutes (depending if it`s still in veg) and flower nutes
should i use melassuss? i just read that the Corparations just fansie up the name an just sell us over priced sugar. thats what it ses in the GrowFAQ.:joint:


Well-Known Member
molasses is good.adding nutes in moms garden would benefiit hers to probably.the leaf thing he`s talking about is that sativas have longer narower leaves and grow taller.


Well-Known Member
if your just growing this one you wont need a ppm for soil.
if it's in your mums herb garden, ask her wat she puts in there and let us know.
All you really need for your plant is too worry about the Ph(6.5 ideal), make sure they get enough, but not too much water(one good watering every two days) and likewise with nutrients(maybe every second watering).
while it's vegging(not budding) it needs a high N fertilizer and when budding it needs a high P fertilizer.
there is plenty of info on this site and i'm sure when your done reading through everything you'll want to start more than your one plant:mrgreen:
GOOD LUCK! i'll pray for a female


Active Member
well its about 2-3 feet tall by now an i think the leaves are inda fat size of my whole hand, one peddle is about the width of 2 fingers. when i was just reading about pruning... i just snagged off a few of the staggling leaves on the bottom where theres no sunlight.


Active Member
if your just growing this one you wont need a ppm for soil.
if it's in your mums herb garden, ask her wat she puts in there and let us know.
All you really need for your plant is too worry about the Ph(6.5 ideal), make sure they get enough, but not too much water(one good watering every two days) and likewise with nutrients(maybe every second watering).
while it's vegging(not budding) it needs a high N fertilizer and when budding it needs a high P fertilizer.
there is plenty of info on this site and i'm sure when your done reading through everything you'll want to start more than your one plant:mrgreen:
GOOD LUCK! i'll pray for a female
hey Good Looks on the info man. an i get somemore details on these N&P fertz? and its funny that u mentioned; i Just sed "Damn Next Summer I'm goin all out". and just so i dont set my sites to high. IF it is Female, how much should i expect in Yeild?


Well-Known Member
way too early too tell but would also have to see pics, an outside plant with no restrictions(height,root growth) should easily yield you 2+ Oz of bud.
A fertilizer will have an NPK ratio. Nitrogen, Phosphorous, K(potassium).
while vegging you want NPK at about a 15(or higher)-10-10 type ratio remembr that a 15-10-10 is the same as a 30-20-20.
for budding you want a ratio of 10-15(or higher)-10.
use a very light mixture when you first start fertilizing!



Active Member
so i should go to Frank's Nursery an look for fertz labeled 15-10-10? an wen i See buds 10-15-10 if i make it to female?


Well-Known Member
on the back of the every fert packet it will have the NPK ratio. just look for one that has a higher N than P and K value and this should do fine.
i like fish emulsion available everywhere which is high in N and has enough P and K in it too. It's also organic and cheap, but is strong stuff so be gentle:mrgreen:


Active Member
and doing this does what exactly? makes for a strong plant like milk?
i read a theory on one of these sites basically sayin slash the stem a liddle bit, slither a wick through it (Tape if required) an put the other side of the wick into a glass of milk. this is suppost to strengthen the plant or some jibber jabber.


Well-Known Member
you dont slice them you gently twist the stem ( slightly breaks the pulp inside)nutrients will help the plant grow big and bigger nugs ( ya like milk does the body good) dont twist during flower time, alow time to heal before flowering


Well-Known Member
doing this gives you bigger stems and branches because you break the pulp inside the stems and whenthey heal themselves they get thicker so more nutes and goodness get in and that makes for bigger and better nugs. the same as when you break a bone when it heals it`s thicker.

you can start a couple weeks from the start of life and continue twisting till a couple weeks before flower time. start from the bottom of stem and branches ( little bit at a time) and gentley twist it between your fingers. couple times a day and work your way over time higher up and out the branches. the veins in stems and branches will look like a spiral. it does need time between to heal so be gentle till you get a feel for it. younger branches are easier.


Well-Known Member
that would be a veg fert. how close are her plants to yours. what herbs does she have


Well-Known Member
yeh thats a good fert for veg period, when i say a light fert i just mean a watered down concentration. any fertilizer can be made strong or light really.
if your plants been growing in the fertilized soil this whole time then it should be able to handle a slightly stronger soloution though.
it's allways better to put less at the start as you can allways add more byt cant really remove it.

by the way i like the idea of that twist method, i'll try it on a few of my plants soon. how big do you let the plant get before you start? I'm around 8 nodes atm.
cheers bonz