Help! Plant Found in my Backyard!


Well-Known Member
i geusse so considering you already, as long as it wasn`t to many less than 20% i believe causes to much shock. they need thier leaves for photosynthasis.


Active Member
ok cool it was only like 2, and i noticed the bottom of the plant doesn't get much sunlight do to it not being planted... just... Found so i took some of those off.sooo the back and bottom have bearly anything but like the new growth on top i was able to twist to prevent it from pushing it self away from the house. they seem to be taking well to the change in position.:joint:


I just want to thank all you guess. this has been a great experience and you guys are the best you. Rollitup and Blow it down.:joint: Faze0ne


Well-Known Member
Molasses is a natural product. It's not made by "corporations!" The Molasses I buy (not for my plants but for food) I have to get at the hippie health food store.

You can give your plant nutes that are perfectly safe and healthy for your mom's garden, like worm castings and bat guano. I put worm castings on all my flowering plants (not just the pot but everything in my garden) and they're taking off like crazy. You can just sprinkle both on top of the soil and water.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
So you found a random outdoor plant? Awesome. I'd add worm castings in there. A purple stem isn't bad either. It could just be the genetics of the plant. Also if the night temp is vastly different from the day temp (like 4-5 degrees) then the plant will turn purple and you will get purple leaves, stems, AND buds. It isn't always a bad sign. Just water it with some ph balanced water. Around 5.8-6.5 is good. Your gonna wanna keep an eye on it too. Considering it is ourdoors. It could get massive. Your looking at up to at least 10-100 oz's off this one plant. If it grows correctly and you take care of it. FDD grew ONE outdoor plant that produced 6 POUNDS!!! (100 oz's) So if you just take care of it and read on here and check out some free grow videos...your gonna be fine. Just watch out for catepillars. Lol those bastards love weed plants. Pictures would be very nice to have.

Good day sir,


Well-Known Member
no offence, i realy dont think he will get any where near 10 pounds to 100 pounds on one plant for someone learning. i would be impressed to see even 1 to 2 pounds.


Active Member
shit i never seen more then 1 pound an that was a long time ago. so shit if i get 16oz off a fucking plant in the garden, i'll be having a happy bday (Oct 26)


Well-Known Member
looks good. worms dont make holes. put some neem on it for the bugs and watch them.


Well-Known Member
a light natural soap diluted havily in water and sprayed on my plants works a treat. never had a bug touch my babies.
plant looks nice man, going well:hump:


Active Member
yea i just top off
[quote author=CletusAwreetus link=board=Intro;num=1214498592;start=0#7 date=06/27/08 at 19:39:53]

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Well-Known Member
they must have problems because your post just appeared in my mail thismorning and i see you edited yours on the 27. took 5 days for me to see it.

hard to tell from pic. did you cut the main stock for topping.


Active Member
its crazy its really filling out now its like 3 feet 2 inches. reall sweet smelling!
i'm trying not to check up on it for a few days so i can get a nice lil suprice u kno. todays overcast so i'm just lettin it chill, get its drink on (Like every1 else on the 4th of july!)


Active Member
oh yea i wanted to aSK if this plant happends to b a male can i still get those bags an make some bubble hash?