help please.....plants dont look too good!!!!


ok, this is my first grow. my friend is kinda coaching me through this but i am begining to doubt her methods. my he has me growing in rockwool cubes. my clones are a lil over three weeks old now and have been growing pretty good. i have the cubes sitting on a tray. this is not a hydro grow. the roots have come out the bottom of the cubes and have been for some time now. when i looked this morning all the leaves on all three plants are drooping!! all of them. i have not been over watering and not under watering. he tells me that the root growth is fine and not to worry but i have a feeling that i need to transplant these girls into soil.
can i put a big rockwool cube in soil? will it transplant ok????? please help. server is not allowing me to post pics.


ok, this is my first grow. my friend is kinda coaching me through this but i am begining to doubt her methods. my he has me growing in rockwool cubes. my clones are a lil over three weeks old now and have been growing pretty good. i have the cubes sitting on a tray. this is not a hydro grow. the roots have come out the bottom of the cubes and have been for some time now. when i looked this morning all the leaves on all three plants are drooping!! all of them. i have not been over watering and not under watering. he tells me that the root growth is fine and not to worry but i have a feeling that i need to transplant these girls into soil.
can i put a big rockwool cube in soil? will it transplant ok????? please help. server is not allowing me to post pics.

heres the pics



Well-Known Member
Yes, you can transplant those to any medium you want if the roots are coming through already.