Help please!!!


Howdy folks

Sorry to be a complete clueless novice but
Could anyone offer some advice. I have been growing the above plant for 3 week in a 2 feet by 3 feet closet under 90w LED UFO. Small oil filled radiator keeps temp to 70 degrees F. Have tried searching for some good advice and have read 'growing bible' by jorge Cervantes but the leaves are looking weak and showing some yellowing and turning brown on edges.

I've tried moving the light high to prevent burn. I flushed soil out with fresh water and then regular plant food a couple of days ago but no improvement.


Thanks for looking.



Well-Known Member
Don't over water. You want the soil to dry mostly between watering. The pot will feel light, but the leaves haven't started to wilt ( a slight wilt isn't bad if you watch carefully & water timely). Easy on the nutrients, under is always better than over. Good luck!!!
Don't over water. You want the soil to dry mostly between watering. The pot will feel light, but the leaves haven't started to wilt ( a slight wilt isn't bad if you watch carefully & water timely). Easy on the nutrients, under is always better than over. Good luck!!!
Thanks. I guess you may be right about the overwatering but could it really be this simple? I haven't been watering more than every 4-5 days.

Unfortunately I have watered (with baby bio plant food prior to posting this message) today and the soil is pretty wet. Is there any way that I can speed up the drying out of the soil?

Here are a couple more pictures

Thanks again.



Active Member
I dont think the plant is enjoying it's medium, the burnt leaf tips are a prime symptom of nutrient burn. What soil did you put in there?


Well-Known Member
Yup. It's burnt a bit. Just take it easy on the "plant food" for a bit. Start @ half strength and then do a plain water then a single does then water then another singel water double water double water


look like nute burn to must have caught the leaves with it...nutes will burn if you dont wash them off...


Thanks for the replies everyone ;-)

I have used a general purpose potting compost and I added Root Juice by Bio Bizz (which a friend gave me as he had used with success). I have a small fan in there now and will add some perlite (if I can get some!) Is this available by any other name?



Perlite is readily available by name at Lowes, Home Depot, WalMart, and other major stores. Be careful, sometimes they have nuted perlite, so make sure to check for that. Plant looks pretty healthy aside from a little burn. I wish mine looked that good! Best of luck


Hi all

I have followed advice and cut right back on the watering allowing the soil to dry out and adding small amounts of tap water that has been left to stand for a few hours. I haven't added any feed, as advised, but the plant still seems be showing this yellowing. see new pic:


The leaves seem to be really thin and new leaves seem to be getting even lighter in colour! The 2nd pic is of a new plant which started off with s couple of nice dark green leaves but the new leaves coming through seem to be showing the yellowing of the other plant. I haven't given this new plant any feed at all just plain water.

Any ideas??

Thanks again.



Active Member
whats your P H ? most lockouts are caused by the P H being wrong ? i think 6.5 is where you need to be thats the first thing to fix... then think about other stuff


whats your P H ? most lockouts are caused by the P H being wrong ? i think 6.5 is where you need to be thats the first thing to fix... then think about other stuff

Checked the soil PH and its between 6.0 and 7.0 (the scale on the test kit doesn't show 6.5). From what I have been reading the my growing book the symptoms suggest adding a feed with magnesium. Would this be advisable?


Well-Known Member
ph fluctuations secondary to poor drainage. that muck isn't draining or breathing well. re-pot into PROPER mix, asap,imo:)


Active Member
i never even thought that the roots were drowning but anyhoo thats how we learn, learn learn. best of luck m8
ph fluctuations secondary to poor drainage. that muck isn't draining or breathing well. re-pot into PROPER mix, asap,imo:)


i never even thought that the roots were drowning but anyhoo thats how we learn, learn learn. best of luck m8

Thanks again for the advice everyone.

I am about to repot as suggested by Scroglodyte but not sure what the 'proper' mix should be as there seems to be a mixture of opinions. Could someone explain the best mix I could use?



Active Member
If you can't find perlight at a box store look for some indoor plant potting soil on the picture there should be a picture of a plant in a pot and in that pot the dirt will have white chunks. or open up the bag of soil and avoid dirt with wood chunks and look for white pieces(they are the perlight) fox farm ocean has a nice mix with perlight. this time of year thesoil you want will be inside not outside on a pallet.
When you replant carefully remove dirt from rootball by handeling the plant upside down. Make sure your soil is dry, wet soil may tear away at the rootball. After the plant and old medium have been seperated mix the perlight (or perlight blended soil) into your old medium. Now put the plant back into pot fill up with new dirt then water real well.