Help Plz Spots


Well-Known Member
Ok this is my first grow and im using 5 42watt cfls there putting about 2000 lums on each plant. Im keeping the lights about 1-1.5 inches away from the girls. I currently have 2 plants. The ph of my soil is about 7.8 right now next time I water im going to try to bring it down. I watered each plant with about 2 quarts 2 days ago. The first few inches of the soil are pretty dry. The plants are about 11 days old. The one got attacked by a yellow llady bug and got its leaf eatin up but seemed to be doing ok and is a little shorter than the other. But this morning I woke up and checked on them and they developed some spots. If anyone could help me out and tell me whats going on that would be awesome. The room ranges from about 70-85 degrees. Its in a room that is about 10x10 and I prob should be a fan in there. This is one of the plants the other one is worste. I justed watered each plant thats in a 3gal container with 1 liter of 6.0 ph h20


Well-Known Member
You aren't flowering are you?...if not then sure. Its mild and will only last a day or two. It works by contact you may have to give a few doses. There are some home remedies that you could do...but they aren't as potent or effective


Well-Known Member
Ladybugs eat aphids and other small pests, so the fact that you had one there suggests that you may have other pests.

Ladybugs are your friends; they're harmless and eat harmful pests.

I think (not sure, but an idea) that since your spots are small circle-shaped arrangements of even smaller spots, it might be some bacterial infection (think of how mushrooms/other fungi tend to grow in the same circular fashion).

Also, do you spray your plants when you water them, or do you just moisten the soil? If you spray them, stop. Just wet the soil.

PS: I've never seen a yellow ladybug...are you sure it was a ladybug? A fan would be a great idea, and some yellow strips of sticky fly trap paper wouldn't hurt either.


Well-Known Member
no the plants only about 12 days old, and its been under 24/7 sunlight for a while now. Heres a picture of the other plant.


Well-Known Member
Well its over the other plant more. No i dont spray the plants. It probably wasn't a lady bug then. Some yellow beetle with black dots. I saw the damage he did. But other than that I havnt seen other bugs other than some little brown ones that I smashed.


Active Member
I think (not sure, but an idea) that since your spots are small circle-shaped arrangements of even smaller spots, it might be some bacterial infection (think of how mushrooms/other fungi tend to grow in the same circular fashion).

The spots dont look like thier growth is restrained by the plant veins. Bacteria usually dont pass over the veins and thus dont grow in a perfect circle.


Active Member
yea they are like scabs. Ill post some more pics
I would be thinkin a fungi. There are a whole class of fungi that casue leaf scab on grasses and their cousins. The pictures didnt come in, so its still hard to tell, but you can try a fungicide, or maybe some organic method.


Well-Known Member
Ok so I watered them a little early cause the ph was about 7.8, and uused some ph down on the water to try to get the ph at a better level. Here are some more pics. Any help is greatly appreciated. K the brown spots are from the light being to close it slipped and burnt them up a bit. And the little one got eaten up by some yellow bug.
