help plz


Active Member
this is my first grow i am about 3 weeks into it and my plant is starting to trun yellow and looks like a brow spot on the leaves.



Active Member
Definently a burn due to liquid nutes.... i bet you used that powder kind.... my technique is after 2 weeks use a pinch of nutes in the water... but never ever spray nutes directly onto plants!! You may use pure water on the plants themselves!!bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt even give it neuts for the next 2-3 weeks then start off with only a little bit...careful about watering too


Active Member
ok your problem is that you gave it nutes too soon, for the first 3-4 weeks of life a marijuana plant needs WATER ONLY. this one is already extremely stunted in growth so i would start fresh with a new plant because you also may have already turned this one into a boy by stressing it. when a plant is 3-4 weeks old thats when you start feeding it with a 20-20-20 formula. make sure you follow the instructions for INDOOR plants. also i strongly suggest going to and read ten biggest mistakes growers make it really helped me out in the begginging.
