heLP problem that i cannot solve

I am having lots of trouble with these shitty clones i received form clone queen. First off they came loaded with mealy bugs and god knows what else. To trouble shoot that i chopped off the leaves that were infested with bugs. I then proceeded to spray them and my tent down with forbid 4f. That was one week ago. The clones were rooted nicely but full of bugs. Also not sure how accurate there strains are. But as of now i have 3 headband og 1 whiteberry and 2 platinum bubba. I use aqua flakes a and b along with N.U.T.S. for my feed. Then on the other days i water with cal mag and N.U.T.S both solutions are phd to 6 before i water. After i water I notice the ph is around 7. I am also running a 600 watt mh light approx 2 and half feet from the plants. Those are my hydro plants. Both my soil and hydro plants seem to be experiencing the same problem So i have ruled out ph and nute burn/deficiencies. As the soils plants are fed differently than my hydro but yet the experience the same problem. Im thinking it could be my light to close? The room temp stays between 75-81 at all times with a 40-60 percent humdity. Maybe i have some more bugs? Should i add my nitrogen booster? Are they not getting watered enough. I think i might of overwatered the hydro ones a little. But i know for a face that the soil ones are not overewatered. I am also using a foliar spray called tappin roots. I have seized the use of that and the spinosad i was using to prevent bugs. I need some major help before i just throw these clones away and start from scratch.



Well-Known Member
no starting over solve the puzzle and learn from the atempts

frist off your soil ph should be 6.5....hydro 5.8

now as for boosting stop your a pretty deep green this is good and bad no more ...............i thinking it is Chemical burn from messing around with the chemicals on the leaves......stop spraying them / spray them less offen.........weaken the spray with some water and a fine mister spray bottle

look for the ones that look the strongest leave them alone the ones that look weak (how many nodes do u have.........looks like 3 u could try topping those and have those lower ones branch off with 2 top cola's)


Well-Known Member
I'm with the poster above. Too many chemicals too often. Give them girls a break and let them grow out of the funk their in.


Well-Known Member
If you are pouring PH water to around 6 into your soil..and the run off is at 7.1.this means your soil is higher in PH than 7.1 in order to bring the PHed water you just poured into your soil..your run off from that is raising PH as it goes through the soil.
Your PH is probably around 8 or more n the soil.
It is a MUST your soil be PHed or you are going to have all kinds of problems.
Get some garden lime and pour it through the soil mixed with some water and top dress the soil with a couple of tea spoons of garden lime.
Garden lime will ajust the PH of the soil to around 7..and it will not allow it to raise above 7.
Always add garden lime to your soil before you use it and you will avoid allot of these problems.