HELP Seedling leaves curling under starting to twist??

Ok so my seedling is one day shy of a week old and the leaves are curling under and starting to twist (just like the title says). And also, the new leaves that are coming in are almost yellow, and it looks like the tips of the leaves are starting to turn brownish, you can't really tell in the pictures.

I'm using rockwool and I soaked it in PH'd tap water for 24 hours before using. I put the starter cube in the 4 inch cube on 3/2 and haven't watered since. It's just starting to get dry today and will probably water tonight.

What do you think this could be? Could it possibly be a ph problem? That's what i'm leaning towards...if it is, what's the best way to fix it?

BTW i haven't used any nutes. I plan on putting it in a DWC system tomorrow with fresh water. The strain is Snow White and is known to be somewhat of a light feeder. But if this is a deficiency I'll probably use like 1/4 or 1/8 nutes when I put it in the DWC.

The problem might not look too bad but it's definately not normal, I have a plant in soil right next to it and it's doing way better. I just want to get to the problem as fast as I can, I really don't wanna lose this baby.

Help is really really REALLY appreciated!
Thanks a bunch.

GTS :peace:



Well-Known Member
i may not be correct in saying this, but i think it may just be the genetics of the plant. right now i have a few babies from seeds outside. one of them, a bubba cross is looking very similar to that. the first set of leaves are all crooked and retarded. however the next sets produced are looking a bit more normal.
if i can get off my ass and get a camera i'll show you pics of mine to compare
yeah if its the earlier leaves dying thats normal. yeah i would water it right away!! and maybe give it a bit of something like superthrive


Active Member
yet another uncompleted thread...
there is so much great yet poorly organized info on this site FML


Well-Known Member
I like dirt much more too I've tried rock wool you gotta prepare it
but you get less bugs with rock wool any ways no nute first week or
7 days ph your rock wool and water to 5.8 is what I did 2nd week
give 200 ppm of nutes then water then nutes you know increasing the
ppm about 200 a week I kept my in small cubes in a bowl as long as I
could then put the best ones in 6" cubes but I gave rock wool up or as
it's better known as "Hillbilly Hydro" :lol:
How wet are your cubes? At first they hold a lot of water
so its good to shake a lot of water off at first cause the roots will just
sit there cause there is too much water this could be your problemo!
Too Much water!