Help there's hella wood in my soil!

The sugarbear

Active Member
Just an update the other 3 clones still look pretty good maybe a couple of burnt tips but they seem to be getting taller. The problem clone however is stunted and now the other bigger bottom leaf is weak and wilted crispy at the tips probably about to die


The sugarbear

Active Member
I think I might have figured out my problem seems like that particular clone wasn't getting as good of drainage as the others so I poked some more holes in the bottom of the bin hopefully this does the trick.

The sugarbear

Active Member
Will adding extra nitrogen to compensate fix the situation or will that just cause more issues?
I was wondering the same thing no one answered my question tho. But so far I haven't had any nitrogen deficiency issues and I'm gonna test my nutrient levels in my soil so this might tell me something.


Well-Known Member
Will adding extra nitrogen to compensate fix the situation or will that just cause more issues?
Depends on the source of nitrogen but most likely will cause problems.

Let them dry some. Remove from pots and gently remove dirt from roots and plant in new soil.

Just use a screen to sift your new dirt.

It done right you won't hurt them at all. I've done quit a few that way.

If you do break some of the roots all you have to do it top the plant. That reduces the amount of vegetation the roots supply. It slows growth and allows the plant to focus on root repair.

That is the only time I recommend a b vitamin solution like super thrive.

I grow flowers and vegetables. I frequently transplant and up pot my flowers. I cut root balls apart all the time.

You won't hurt them. Better to correct it now.

The sugarbear

Active Member
I use weaker sources of nitrogen but more frequently pretty much just fish emulsion in my teas and I top dress with worm castings and alfalfa meal. I think the majority of the wood is actually composted the wood that seems like it might be fresher is lighter and has floated up to the top after some heavy watering with the perlite so I just scoop it off. The plants other than that one clone are actually doing great growing very fast now just topped em all yesterday just a lil bit of warped growth because they aren't sure whether to flower or veg ( weirdly cool n cloudy for NorCal summer atm) i think the problem was ph issues do to Poor drainage on the one bin. Think I'll be ok in this soil I've used lots of ffof in the past and that has lots of composted wood in it and works great for outdoor. Just gotta keep em well fed. I'd rather not stress em too the bigger one from seed is doing so well it's a problem getting way too tall already ( nice and dark too) I've been topping and super cropping the hell out of it so I think the nitrogen lockout might not be an issue. Ill keep you guys updated on the problem clone tho hopefully she starts bouncin back soon ,got a soil ph test kit I'm gonna use tomorrow to check how much of what nutes are in the soil as well


Well-Known Member
Just an update the other 3 clones still look pretty good maybe a couple of burnt tips but they seem to be getting taller. The problem clone however is stunted and now the other bigger bottom leaf is weak and wilted crispy at the tips probably about to die
Are you spraying them with anything?

The sugarbear

Active Member
Neem oil,safer caterpillar killer, and just a few drops of dawn organic dish soap. Very small amounts mixed into Luke warm water I spray about twice a week in the evening.

The sugarbear

Active Member
Just an update she seems to be improving got a little taller I think drainage was the issue. I'm getting pretty significant "taco" leaves on all my clones though should I be concerned?

The sugarbear

Active Member
Just an update everything looks great now no problems. I'll post some updated pics in the outdoor section sometime in the next day or two. Thanks for the help guys