I am now having some heat issues.. My tent is staying at around 82-86 degrees. I have a 7-7-7 tent with 2 600s in there both with cool hood reflectors. The exhaust is coming from my filter through the hoods and out the window with the vortex fan 440cfm pulling air across the lights.. I then have exact same fan for Intake pulling air from my central air vent and then pushing it Into the tent. Two oscillating fans blowing air around inside tent and one outside tent. It is in an upstairs bedroom which is my only option at the moment. I keep my AC on 70 degrees. I don't know what to do or how to drop my temp. I am worried that with all the mistakes I have already made that the high temps are gonna drastically affect my yield or death of them. I was considering buying a window unit to put in the room but they are pricey and was wondering if anybody had any other ideas/suggestions for me before I go spend a whole bunch of money on AC unit. If there is some details I didn't include or you just need more info to help me out just let me know and I will include ASAP. Thank you
So then how will I get air in? And I already have one fan for exhaust I figured I would need some kind of AC intake too cool the tent.. The tent pretty much takes up the entire room it's in.. There about 1-1/2 to 2 feet of space all the way around the tent and that's it. So are you suggesting having 2 exhausts ducted out the window or having the cool good reflectors on a closed loop and using the other for exhaust? If so do I have to have an intake or will the free flow air vents at the bottom of the tent be good enough ?
Vent them both out, the vents at the bottom are enough. Are you not using a carbon filter?
Yes I am using a charcoal filter.. So close loop the lights? Have them pulling air from outside the tent and exhausting outside the tent having the air that's cooling the lights never tough the tent?? And then the other one exhausting the hot air from the tent through the charcoal filter and out the window?? Am I understanding what your saying ??
filter is at the start of his airflow he said...

Whats the ducting lookin like? lotta ridges and bends? Remember, all it takes is one 90degree bend to chop ur airflow in like, half.....

I added a duct booster fan between my filter and first hood, found the airflow lost from the filter being added broke my neg. pressure barrier... (6in exhaust, 4in intake)

How are the temps of the hoods themselves mid-'day' ?? Mine are cool to the touch now, if yours are warm or worse, you need more airflow somehow, and mebbe point a fan at the hoods......

If I had to guess tho, I would go with ducting being excessive and bendy.... its most common...

Whats your outdoor air temps? Is fresh air from outdoors just a silly idea? (MI here, so 40-65f still )
filter is at the start of his airflow he said...

Whats the ducting lookin like? lotta ridges and bends? Remember, all it takes is one 90degree bend to chop ur airflow in like, half.....

I added a duct booster fan between my filter and first hood, found the airflow lost from the filter being added broke my neg. pressure barrier... (6in exhaust, 4in intake)

How are the temps of the hoods themselves mid-'day' ?? Mine are cool to the touch now, if yours are warm or worse, you need more airflow somehow, and mebbe point a fan at the hoods......

If I had to guess tho, I would go with ducting being excessive and bendy.... its most common...

Whats your outdoor air temps? Is fresh air from outdoors just a silly idea? (MI here, so 40-65f still )
Yea I'm I'm North Carolina and it's up to the 80s already so that's out of the question.. I do have quite a few bends though.. And I don't think I have enough negative pressure but I'm not sure how to get it.
cut out as much of the bends as possible, use rigid ducting wherever you can, every bump in flexi-duct is an air hurdle, and if that dont do it, add more power... Try pulling the filter off the end, if that controls the temp n pressure issues, u know u just need more airflow with the filter on (it was my prob)

Can add the booster (cheap, easy, any menards/lowes/depot will have) or can bump up the exhaust to an 8" system.... much more expensive option, but if u decide to go dual 1000w lights, it will still keep up....

This a decent name brand/quality fan ur exhausting with? A few are known to fall well short of the advertised 400-440cfm...
The fans and air movement aren’t a problem.
The ambient temp is.
You are only going to achieve a certain difference in temp (delta T) moving air. I'm assuming yours is pretty good.

Don't quote me on this last part, but I would try this, if I had no other option
As far as using your central AC to fix the problem.....I'm not really that sure. Possibly you could close loop through the lights, and just extract air from the tent into another part of your house and have central AC pick up the slack. Sucking air out of your house at 400cfm + seems like a losing battle.

- Jiji
Has this heat problem just started suddenly?
If so my first guess would be the prefilter material on your carbon filter has blocked up with dust ect.
Try removing it and hitting it, if it puffs out dust then thats your issue.
If so then just keep beating the prefilter material untill the dust stops coming out then vacuum clean it.

Another thing I have done in extreme situations is intake air directly from the outside to the grow room and then pumping the heat into the rest of the house.
Puts the heat on your self rather then the plants this way lol.

good luck hope you sort it.
Has this heat problem just started suddenly?
If so my first guess would be the prefilter material on your carbon filter has blocked up with dust ect.
Try removing it and hitting it, if it puffs out dust then thats your issue.
If so then just keep beating the prefilter material untill the dust stops coming out then vacuum clean it.

Another thing I have done in extreme situations is intake air directly from the outside to the grow room and then pumping the heat into the rest of the house.
Puts the heat on your self rather then the plants this way lol.

good luck hope you sort it.
Can't pull air from outside its in the 80s and 90s so that would make my situation worse.
Can't pull air from outside its in the 80s and 90s so that would make my situation worse.
swamp cooler

just add a frozen jug of water to make it more effective the groecy stores they sell water jugs somewhere in the jugs is a 2 and half gallon jug (might be distilled water) .....get 3 of those and just take off the spogot dump some water out (quart of water) freeze them .........they should get u 12hours so with 3 u always have a fresh one (one in use one freezing one frozen)

just make sure u leave enough of the bucket so the walls are not weak®-Submersible-Aquarium-Powerhead-Hydroponic/dp/B00EWENKXO
pump the frozen jug can sit on top of it
screen so does not leak out
evap pad what the water drips on
hose to make holes heat a nail and poke
t connector for the water make a loop and u got one left open for feeding it
fan just take it off the stand
You should be able to run a 7x7x7 with a good sized widow ac. Wtf is the problem? Build a box from wood and toss an ac unit in the side. 290 dollars for a self built room your size, sealed.
Um ur temps r perfect lol 82 to 86 is 27 to 30 degrees Celsius
Why do u think that's 2 hot ? 27 is the best temp and 30 is ok won't affect anything just make sure ur roots stay cool
I am now having some heat issues.. My tent is staying at around 82-86 degrees. I have a 7-7-7 tent with 2 600s in there both with cool hood reflectors. The exhaust is coming from my filter through the hoods and out the window with the vortex fan 440cfm pulling air across the lights.. I then have exact same fan for Intake pulling air from my central air vent and then pushing it Into the tent. Two oscillating fans blowing air around inside tent and one outside tent. It is in an upstairs bedroom which is my only option at the moment. I keep my AC on 70 degrees. I don't know what to do or how to drop my temp. I am worried that with all the mistakes I have already made that the high temps are gonna drastically affect my yield or death of them. I was considering buying a window unit to put in the room but they are pricey and was wondering if anybody had any other ideas/suggestions for me before I go spend a whole bunch of money on AC unit. If there is some details I didn't include or you just need more info to help me out just let me know and I will include ASAP. Thank you