Help!!! What should i do!


New Member
ok out of the five seeds i planted a week ago have come up i had to help a few by carefuly removing the seed shell once they already poped through the soil. the super lemon haze looks very strong.ok should i put these sprouts that have shed its shell under my light now i have a 600 watt mh bulb will this be ok or should i give them some water and just wait another day or so before putting them under such a powerful light ...also there are a couple of seeds that have germinated but arent ready just yet should i give them a few more days or should i help them like the others...


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt waste your money on electricity to power a 600w mh for such small plants, i would just buy a cfl and use that until they get big enough. JMOP


Active Member
I've never had to remove the seed shells manually. I mean, there's a short period it looks "stuck" but they always open it up by themselves.

As to your other questions, I cant decipher what you're trying to say, perhaps I'm too high.
i think the previous post was correct cfl then the 600 watt,i use cfls then i hit them with my 400 watt hps,no problems,yet.good luck