
So from today when do you think I should be feeding/watering? just let it dry right out? I thought because it was dry a few inches down and the pots were light that they needed water

phil k

Well-Known Member
So from today when do you think I should be feeding/watering? just let it dry right out? I thought because it was dry a few inches down and the pots were light that they needed water
no especially solo cups they take forever to dry at the bottom properly.. i would just stick a heat pad under them on low.. or a seed mat.. that little bit of warmth will change the grow around i promise. if you can't do that just let them go dry until they droop. you need to seed how much water is truly in there.. how long they take to dry out.. so you know what they look/feel like/ react when they are actually dry VS. still in wet soggy soil.. i don't see those cups drying out before 3 more days ATLEAST... i put my clones in solo cups when i have extras and no room in trays. .i MAYBE feed 2-3oz (2-3 shot glasses) of water every two to every three days. generaly with a heat pad under them I'm watering that LITTLE ASS BIT every other day with no heat pad i generally water that small amount every three days.

phil k

Well-Known Member
your dirt should be sucking in on the sides of the container when its actually fully dry.. it will basically pull away from the side.


OK thanks There in 8l pots I got them from a m8 all ready in these pots in canna coco professional plus I had biobizz all mix to use with the biobizz nutes but got these for free so I thought the pots were a bit big he said they were 2-2.5 weeks old what do you think

phil k

Well-Known Member
well pot size doesnt matter for plants.. i personally start in what i finish in when i do indoor.. so if i flower in 5 gallons i start in them or if i flower in threes i start in them.. I'm not about transplanting.. its pointless. all that matters is your patient and realize you can't make the plant grow faster than the genetics are designed.. all your doing is stressing and fucking up the plant. they don't need water every day they don't need food 3-4x a week.. they need a light feed once a week they need fresh clean water once a week at least and thats it. outside environment

phil k

Well-Known Member
just remember you have that massive pot.. why soak every inch of the pot? theres no sense in it the roots haven't expanded... and without roots to suck the excess water up that water takes fucking forever to evaporate properly.. and while the soils sitting there wet and nasty its creating all kinds of issues.

phil k

Well-Known Member
i only feed ALL my three gallon buckets about 600ml every other day.. sometimes i go 60hrs... between water in the 3 gallons with that little of water..
image2 6.JPG


OK thanks al keep it in mind as for biobizz grow when should I start giving them as I have 2 plants 1 has nute burn and 1 is fine is that just the genetics of that 1 plant

phil k

Well-Known Member
Was it green and then turned purple or always been purple
uhh... id know that if i were growing it.. thats something you need to answer.. regardless it just happens with some genetics more with hybrids i tend to notice but some of mine are green all the way no matter the size some purple early some purple late.. its not a issue pay attention to your leaves.


It's nute burn its got its started at the tips and working in thanks for the advice no doubt I will be back lol


I also ment to ask should there be any run off when I water/feed at this stage I was giving 200 ml per plant is this ok?