Help with coco!


Hey all,

I recently switched mediums to coco. However, where i come from i can only get coco chunks, and a fine coco/peat mix. I mixed both of them around 60% coco chunks/ 40% fine coco&peat mix. Now ive read a lot about the fact that its near impossible to over water in coco. But with my medium being a mix, am i wrong to assume that i cannot over water? Now the reason i ask this, is I want to up my watering schedule from every 3 days (around 600ml) to daily and see if it has an noticeable change on growth. That being said, with my current setup they are growing very very very well, but im trying to tweak it a little bit and get the most out of my ladies.

The setup im running is 4 plants under a 400w HPS, just over 2 weeks into flowering.

Thanks for the help!

Cloner X

Sounds like you'd be fine watering once per day, but the plants will ultimately tell the tale. I've never personally used the chunks, just straight hydrofarm organic coco, but if anything they might want it MORE than once a day with that mix. I'd just start with daily watering and watch how they respond. The girls don't lie and tend to wear their emotions on their sleeves. :weed:


Thanks man! Ye i switched to watering everyday until i get runoff, and the girls are not liking it at all. Most major fan leaves have started curling. Ill be going back to the old feeding schedule.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Even using a substrate mix with perfect drainage qualities, you can still overwater by watering too often. You just wouldn't be able to drown the plants in one watering. Don't base your waterings on a time schedule, water them when the top third to half of the substrate dries out and they need to be watered. The plants grow their fastest as the soil starts to dry.


Well-Known Member
would be better without peat mate, i feed and water mine every 2 days and they been nice and green..........