"my buds look great on the plant but scrawny when dried is this normal or due to some problem"?
The average harvest weight will evaporate around 75% by the end of the drying/curing process.
So if you are looking at brand new bud with a pipe in your hand, you are going to be disappointed.
I gave up weighing just-cut bud because I saw winged dollar bills flying away every time I re-weighed.
There has been a lot of back and forth regarding how to water when you get close to harvest, say the last 2 weeks.
I quit using nutes in the daily watering with 2 weeks to go. I water normally (usually around 24-36 ounces a day,
small pots) until 2 days to go when I flush with room temp water. That's it. I figure the plant has access to all the
water it can use to juice up the buds.
I also use a home-made carbon dioxide generator when I got gals flowering. Hot water, sugar and yeast give you 4 days
of staggered CO2 on your plants. Years ago I did a study after I got the generator. Grew 5 clones with it and 5 without.
I had 15% more yield by weight with the CO2 generator. That's another way to fatten nugs.
Another thing I do but don't actually know if it works is spraying the colas a few times a day right before harvest.
It just seems that if I want juicier nugs it couldn't hurt to directly deposit some water right there.
Good luck, BigSteve.
The average harvest weight will evaporate around 75% by the end of the drying/curing process.
So if you are looking at brand new bud with a pipe in your hand, you are going to be disappointed.
I gave up weighing just-cut bud because I saw winged dollar bills flying away every time I re-weighed.
There has been a lot of back and forth regarding how to water when you get close to harvest, say the last 2 weeks.
I quit using nutes in the daily watering with 2 weeks to go. I water normally (usually around 24-36 ounces a day,
small pots) until 2 days to go when I flush with room temp water. That's it. I figure the plant has access to all the
water it can use to juice up the buds.
I also use a home-made carbon dioxide generator when I got gals flowering. Hot water, sugar and yeast give you 4 days
of staggered CO2 on your plants. Years ago I did a study after I got the generator. Grew 5 clones with it and 5 without.
I had 15% more yield by weight with the CO2 generator. That's another way to fatten nugs.
Another thing I do but don't actually know if it works is spraying the colas a few times a day right before harvest.
It just seems that if I want juicier nugs it couldn't hurt to directly deposit some water right there.
Good luck, BigSteve.