help with growing - under a bed?


Active Member

Looks like a lot of people on here know what they are talking about, and I was hoping to get some help with starting up some plants - inside a small room.

The problem is I am limited on space. I was thinking of growing under my bed - would this be possible? I only want to start with one or two plants. I only have about a foot off the ground under the bed. I could also free up the bottom few drawers of a dresser, giving me 2 or 3 feet in height, maybe more if this is what would be best.

Few questions though - I want to have as little smell as possible, and the dankest bud possible. The seeds are from top quality sativa strains, probably. What should I be looking at? Under the bed or in the dresser? Get a fish tank and a light, miracle grow and soil, and just water it and go?

Thanks for any help.


Active Member
just read the big guide at the top - i'm not looking to get into too much chemical use/monitoring, mainly trying to either get what bud I can from this plant or get some nice clones to start at a better time.

Also, started germinating a couple days ago, and I have some sprouts, so if someone could advise me on a good immediate next-step that would be cool, thanks

One more thing - I heard if you use a pin to scratch the stem of a young plant before it starts sexing it is more likely to go female because the scratches cause production of more resin - is that true?


Active Member
I am pretty new myself, but from the homework I have done, under the bed won't cut it. Indoors (again all this info comes virtually from this site) the plants can get easily to the 3' range so the dresser or a closet is probably a better alternative.


Well-Known Member
i wud agree get urself self a dresser pimped out and buy sum lowryder seeds wud wrk a treat
i agree! get lowryder on an indica strain! sativas tend to tall plants i got two thai ladies at the mo and their at nearly 3 foot and only 2 weeks in to flowering!


Well-Known Member
are u serious under your bed? 1 foot of grow space? ...dude go with the dresser. if your growing in your parents house dont do it..its gonna stink up the whole house trust me.


Well-Known Member
just read the big guide at the top - i'm not looking to get into too much chemical use/monitoring, mainly trying to either get what bud I can from this plant or get some nice clones to start at a better time.

Also, started germinating a couple days ago, and I have some sprouts, so if someone could advise me on a good immediate next-step that would be cool, thanks

One more thing - I heard if you use a pin to scratch the stem of a young plant before it starts sexing it is more likely to go female because the scratches cause production of more resin - is that true?
If you have a Sativa plant know this...Sativas grow tall and lanky , Indicas grow bushy and compact. You are going to need some vertical space. probably need a closet to grow in. under the bed or in a drawer isn't going to cut it.

Once seeds sprout bury them in regular cheap potting soil, NOT miracle grow shit. Put them root down under 1/2 inch to 1 inch of soil.

Using a pin to scratch the stem does NOTHING to make a plant female, It is already sexed from seed, you just have to wait for preflowers or force it flowering to find out. You cannot turn a male into a female or vice versa, so all those things you heard from people is BS.


Active Member
OK - the thing is i already have the seeds, from some pretty nice Jack Herer, which im pretty sure is a sativa - i know these are taller... under the bed is impossible? Can i make the plant grow along the ground by pinning down the main stem, so it gets long rather than high?


Well-Known Member
Yeah you can make a plant grow horizontally, the biggest concern is hot lighting under a flammable wood frame and cloth= fire. First timers should not really try any advanced techniques IMO, simple is better.


Active Member
I dont have any other options right now so I really want to try horizontal under the bed. Dont want to invest too much cash as this is risky. The bed frame is mostly metal, and i see where i can rig a light where fire wont be a danger. Should i go buy a starter pot+soil and some type of light?

I guess what i'm asking is, what type of light do i need. One or two plants only. Hopefully something that will be good now, and good for at least a few weeks. Is potting soil with regular watering all i need to ensure good healthy growth?


Well-Known Member
Read this( GROWFAQ) first, theres more to it than just dirt and water. You will probably have to go with Fluorescent lights or CFL lights to realize your under the bed dreams. GooD luck!!