Help with strain id


There's treachery afoot
Growin these gurlz from seeds from a friend. She has no clue what kind they are but only smokes better grade and saved me the seeds she comes across from time to time. Question is....anyone have any clue on the strains. My pictures are not the best but hopefully will help with an id. My best guess is some kind of indica/sative cross as all sativa would be to the ceiling by now. Both are at 50 days flowering under 400W growlux HPS. Havin one hell of a time with when to harvest....have read it all but don't want to miss my window. TC's are mostly cloudy, a few clear and just a couple amber. Don't want to jump the gun but no experience with these!



Well-Known Member
This is the famous FUCK YOU sativa.
You can tell by the classic middle finger flipping you off.

Im just messin i have no clue what it is.....damn nice plant tho.


There's treachery afoot
believe it or just named my plant. I keep all the buds from weach plant seperate when i harvest....these are now christened...FUB or....
fuck you looking forward to burnin a little FUB.....grin..