
Well its 4 years old account @Unclebaldrick is right ;) That name wasn't that clever that time.
Looked for ways to change, none seems to exist. Maybe asking the forum admin... but I already not made him my friend, wonder Im not banned yet sooo :D The offensive feels kind of refreshing. Thank you. I need that! Cant operate without pushback.... feels something missing. I appreciate the high level of tolerance so far.... feels like home :D
Last time I filled the buckets for a new grow I watered to runoff just to check the pH of new FFHF. It was around 6.5 so right on the money.

I use limestone in FoxFarm. Maybe a cup of pea gravel in 3 gallons of soil or I have some that will 'dissolve' in water. But it is a very safe way to control pH as it will not raise the pH above it's buffering value, in my case 7.4 for the local stuff. But it never gets to that point with the little I use and the relatively short time the soil is being used. It is much safer than using say a bicarbonate or stronger base. But it adds magnesium so no more is really needed.

Calcium carbonate would be a better buffer mineral. This can be found in some antacids for humans aka Tums. Each Tums has about 500mg of Calcium Carbonate. Or you can buy it pure and in bulk, it's used in brewing, about $15 for 5 lbs on the eBay.
No its not rocket science. Still these 8.5 came from the lime not because there is BASE in your tap water..... the plants have a certain need for calcium and magnesium, thats the lime compunds. By only adjusting down the PH you break that minerals up to be readily absorbable for the plants.

Now please understand that when you constantly feed that higher than the plants need, than you increase the saility of the soil... the EC increases, because more and more calcium adds up with your tap, no matter you controled the PH down.

In the result you must drain this soil to get rid of the salinity, or the plants get locked out from anythign else, by that you also flush out other nutes too, so its pretty ineffective.... and you must always keep the PH with adding acid from rising because of this much calmag, because they build up lime again, all the time. Much more than you need.

By that the plants are not efficiently taking up the more relevant nutes NPK... just saying, you make it hard for them... theres way to much calmag in your water and pots.

I do my stuff for reasons, to make it easy for them, keep it long term balanced, i dont need drain, and my soil was been recycled 15 times now.... if you dont understand WHY i do that, no reason to be offensive.
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Ph to 6.5/6.7 - save the drama
I think thats not an optimum range to save the drama.
The reason is simple, this:

1st im aware that microbes extend the accessibility of minerals for plants, same as a high ion-exchange capacity in the soils, thats the JOB of the roots....

Still considering what is the best PH to avoid problems when the rootzone and microbes are notdoing well to still grow good and access all nutes....
6.5 is too high for vegetation! Why? Becauseroots are young, mykhorizzations is at beginning and IRON is very important and badly available higher PH. Thats why we want 6.0 or 6.1 in vegetation.
This becames less relevant for flowering because other nutes become more interesting.
Still we dont need to must go higher than 6.4 for having Phosphorus highly accessible.
There is no rreason to have 6.7 in flowering..... it only makes it harder to get it down for another vegetational phase, when you need iron accessible again.

:finger: you had no argue at all.

limenized “ plants … pics ?
At least you want my bowls in your mowl :)... there you go:
3 weeks to go minimum! Ya had a little overfeed with the PK booste CT in freeak-mode ;=) whatever

How that feels in your face? Knock knock, like it? Taste it! Lick it! uh uhhhh. Dont cry now, you demanded my dicpic! It triggers you just more, i know it ;) Of course you know everything better than me... what else, im just a newbie...suuuure. You are soooo experienced and sooo long here... i dont give a fuck, you stated the "nonsense PH-range", haha :)
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I think thats not an optimum range to save the drama.
The reason is simple, this:
View attachment 5000566

1st im aware that microbes extend the accessibility of minerals for plants, same as a high ion-exchange capacity in the soils, thats the JOB of the roots....

Still considering what is the best PH to avoid problems when the rootzone and microbes are notdoing well to still grow good and access all nutes....
6.5 is too high for vegetation! Why? Becauseroots are young, mykhorizzations is at beginning and IRON is very important and badly available higher PH. Thats why we want 6.0 or 6.1 in vegetation.
This becames less relevant for flowering because other nutes become more interesting.
Still we dont need to must go higher than 6.4 for having Phosphorus highly accessible.
There is no rreason to have 6.7 in flowering..... it only makes it harder to get it down for another vegetational phase, when you need iron accessible again.

:finger: you had no argue at all.

At least you want my bowls in your mowl :)... there you go:
View attachment 5000571
View attachment 5000572
3 weeks to go minimum! Ya had a little overfeed with the PK booste CT in freeak-mode ;=) whatever

How that feels in your face? Knock knock. It triggers you just more, i know it ;) Of course you know everything better than me... what else, im just a newbie...suuuure. You are soooo experienced and sooo long here... i dont give a fuck, you stated the "nonsense PH-range", haha :)

Super freeeak mode :lol:
"Im not mister friendly, I can be a prick if you tempt me, my tank is on empty
No patience is in me and if you offend me, I'm lifting you ten feet in the air
I don't care who was there and who saw me just jaw you
Go call you a lawyer, file you a lawsuit
I'll smile in the courtroom and buy you a wardrobe
I'm tired of all you, I don't mean to be mean
But that's all I can be, it's just me "
love this lyrics from marshalll. i guess I simply listen to much to shady as i was a child.
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"Im not mister friendly, I can be a prick if tempt me
And if you offend me, I'm lifting you ten feet in the air
I don't care who was there and who saw me just jaw you
Go call you a lawyer, file you a lawsuit
I'll smile in the courtroom and buy you a wardrobe
I'm tired of all you, I don't mean to be mean
But that's all I can be, it's just me "
love this lyrics from marshalll.

“ limenized “ plants
My reverse-osmosis water contains 15ppm... that is named "low TDS water"... that's similar to what the guys from the NAVY drink all day long without a problem since they are sailing across the seas to indimidate other countries. ;)

However...I "limenize" with just a little Biobizz Calmag this 15ppm up to 100ppm,
Biobizz thats dutch professional stuff for cannabis grow, in case you dont know it. Theyre simply higher experienced than whatever you know from america. Legitly having longer tradition and more knowledge gone in their products. They recommended me doing THAT for my RO-water. THX
The basic soil I use, is Biobizz Allmix with added plant coal, bentonite, zeolithe, diatomite and other agency-ingredients that make up a real "super-soil" in my eyes, not just the bigger nutes deposits that a standard supersoil has or means by the word.

100ppm... (500scale) thats EC 0,2...... i dont have "liminised plants"... YOU HAVE THEM with your tap water, because it contains twice or triple the LIME then what i create from my clean RO-water to give them just the right amount of what they need. More does not help more! Just raises the PH of the soil on the long term! See!

A water so clean... you dream from it.... in cali with your EC 0.5 or 0.6 or higher giving you an alkaline PH 8.2 lol :spew:you drink that, and cook food in that, shower in that mess, haha, while some areas with the fracking the shit out the ground that your country is doing such that you could fucking LIGHT the water from the tap some places! Yummy yummy, dont you wonder about cancer? Where does it come from ;)

From your high american "standards". All safe.... safe for pharma producing more consumers ;)

Call yourself: "The Limenizer" :mrgreen: Not me! You must drain your raising lime and chemicals and toxins out to not get lockouts and illnesses... your kidnes and liver doing great work... NOT ME or MINE! I dont need no drain or wasting nutes at all down the drain! And I have clean water to drink, like the NAVY ;) My stuff works just out! I can proove it! Ask the NAVY guys. :D Trust the military, they know whats good!
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Since im busy taking a most heinous shit …

i will post your words of wisdom. From your ABOUT page.

So I know one thing for sure. I know nothing!

If there's a meaning to life, then it is to keep learning the mysteries of this great machinery, to be a scholor, ( wtf ) …..under the might of the force of it, over space, over time, over all mass and all spirit.
Challenge accepted.

The big peace was 12g zerozero from a run with 7 different strains.
The small peace is the rest from the finest first sieve, that run, called twisla/sputnik, that run into that white chocolate chunked brownies.

Pressing that twisla, the rosin pushed out without heat :)

I forget the coverture... but theyre so yummy.... i didn't make it so far... too high beeing satisfying already :)

I smoke the zerozero, mixed with the ganja sometimes, while I eat the 1/4th a gram of nearly pureTHC for breakfast, and snack for in between or while chilling to a movie :D The're so yummy... i just kick them in one after another. I dont count them.
Thx to ADHD it doesn't get me asleep to reach higher and higher, reaching higher and higher tolerance :) i dont want no meth, doctors only give me free meth, but i like dope, so i must be criminal...crazy germany. Taking meth im fine doing for my health, but wanting dope im a crimnal. Who understands that? My normal sleeping phase is 8-10 hours.... but not in 24h... when my brain is DONE... sometimes thats already after 2 days, sometimes 3... rarely 4 days... i have so much time and so much interest in thing thats SOO GREAT!

Dare any doctor tells me that is unhealtly and feed me meth for free on recipe, while my government claims me beeing criminal for smoking pot.... fuck them all! YEAH! Crazy world.... im "unnormal"... but "i function" My brain is healthy ;) Except the INSANITY of mine., that is a threat to NO-ONE, not even my self. I live in harmony, far away from beeing depressive or believing in conspiracy theories, as long as i got my dope and allowed freely to have an own opinion and speak it out loud wherever I please whenever I please to whomever I please. I dont need no gun to fight that right, I pick the words, make them fall in place.

When other people try my brownies... knock off, totally stoned within 1 hour (its with lecithine of course) sleep like a baby. byebye. I WISH i could have that... but I need diacepam, valium, benzos for that or meth.... and i refuse that! THAT is unhealthy!

"You wanna stay alive, but you wanna be bad. Just beat it, just beat it!"

Im so high like... i dont know, so high was nobody before i guess. theres no words to describe. Not helping my ADHD a bit... but fuck that shit, i just accepted myself thatway.... others cant. ;)

You really read that junk and you found a mistake... you're so clever. :clap:
Thanks for pointing out anyway. Good boy.
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Please help me guys its the first time for me to try growing cannabis . They are 20-24 days old now . Im growing them inside a small closet with 2 small fans and 6 cfl bulbs 21-23 watt for each one . The first baby is the youngest and she look bigger and very healthy the second and third have red stems and their leaves are little smaller and its color are light green little close to yellow
And the last 2 are their color looks good but they still small I think they started to grow before just couple of days but at first they were very slow
Please give me your tips guys


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