Challenge accepted.
The big peace was 12g zerozero from a run with 7 different strains.
The small peace is the rest from the finest first sieve, that run, called twisla/sputnik, that run into that white chocolate chunked brownies.
Pressing that twisla, the rosin pushed out without heat
I forget the coverture... but theyre so yummy.... i didn't make it so far... too high beeing satisfying already
I smoke the zerozero, mixed with the ganja sometimes, while I eat the 1/4th a gram of nearly pureTHC for breakfast, and snack for in between or while chilling to a movie

The're so yummy... i just kick them in one after another. I dont count them.
Thx to ADHD it doesn't get me asleep to reach higher and higher, reaching higher and higher tolerance

i dont want no meth, doctors only give me free meth, but i like dope, so i must be criminal...crazy germany. Taking meth im fine doing for my health, but wanting dope im a crimnal. Who understands that? My normal sleeping phase is 8-10 hours.... but not in 24h... when my brain is DONE... sometimes thats already after 2 days, sometimes 3... rarely 4 days... i have so much time and so much interest in thing thats SOO GREAT!
Dare any doctor tells me that is unhealtly and feed me meth for free on recipe, while my government claims me beeing criminal for smoking pot.... fuck them all! YEAH! Crazy world.... im "unnormal"... but "i function" My brain is healthy

Except the INSANITY of mine., that is a threat to NO-ONE, not even my self. I live in harmony, far away from beeing depressive or believing in conspiracy theories, as long as i got my dope and allowed freely to have an own opinion and speak it out loud wherever I please whenever I please to whomever I please. I dont need no gun to fight that right, I pick the words, make them fall in place.
When other people try my brownies... knock off, totally stoned within 1 hour (its with lecithine of course) sleep like a baby. byebye. I WISH i could have that... but I need diacepam, valium, benzos for that or meth.... and i refuse that! THAT is unhealthy!
"You wanna stay alive, but you wanna be bad. Just beat it, just beat it!"
Im so high like... i dont know, so high was nobody before i guess. theres no words to describe. Not helping my ADHD a bit... but fuck that shit, i just accepted myself thatway.... others cant.
You really read that junk and you found a mistake... you're so clever.

Thanks for pointing out anyway. Good boy.