help :(


Well-Known Member
4th week flowering starts tomorrow.... some leaves up top are getting rust colored spots.... its now taking over the whole plant.... only been gettin 6.5 ph'd water with a runoff of 6.4... .deficiency? do i need to feed her some nutes? i thought it was nute burn at first, but ive only been feeding 1/4-1/2 nutes every other watering. fox farm lineup.... any help would be much appreciated ;D


Well-Known Member
could be mg deficiency which is quite normal in indoor grows. especially during flowering around the 3rd and 4th week. sometimes the normal characterstics of mg def. like green viens and yellowing is replaced by rust spots and leaf tips dying. I would raise that ph a bit to 6.8 if you could. also could be K getting locked out. add some fine dolomite lime to your soil for the mg and ca-not calmag. kick up the P and K a bit too.


Well-Known Member
awesome, thanks for your help! +rep! i did not use cal-mag but i did use a good ammount of P and K. i was trying to find some espsom salt in my pantry but no luck. I thought it was maybe too high since it was 6.7 or so.... fed her with 6.2 after the nutes, we'll see how she does. im sure it was a P def and also like you said the cal-mag i shouldnt be using. thanks again =)


Well-Known Member
otherwise they look pretty good-should fatten up nicely. you can start to drop your n at this time too if you are using a high n formula. I say toss up between K and Mg deficiency but you seem on top of it. some fine dolomite lime will help a lot. good luck and keep up the good work


Well-Known Member
thanks man... been almost 7 hours since watering and it seemed to stop spreading... and the new leaves have seemed to have a nice green to them. im pretty sure i did the right thing, but we'll see in the morning ;) thanks again!