

Active Member
Whats your PH at? looks like the ph may be off with those leaves twisting up on you. possibly a PPM issue? hard to tell whitout more details.

Is that coco chips?

Give some more details and someone here can and will help you


can anyone help?

Seems like your N is through the roof. And probably an issue you cannot fix without a meter.

What where you thinking, Dro with no meter?

Thats a no no.

I would suggest soil for future grows until you have all your ducks in a row prior to germination

But thats just my 2 cents. For now a simple flush of the res and refilling with balanced water is a great start. Get whatever it is out of your res thats causing this, and since you dont have a meter you really just need to start over with your nutes, or go buy a meter.

Your choice, but dont go trying to fix this blindly, without a meter.

That would be much worse then trying to do this in the first place without a meter

Best of luck to you though!


Active Member
ok man not trying to be mean because i appreciate the help is in soil....honestly are you blind? can i please have some constructive help that pertains to my grow?