

Active Member
This is one of my babes after nearly 4 weeks growth under 400w lamp at 24/24 - have changed soil to a better brand and now not feeding in case she was over-fed. There has been some improvement since doing this but the tips of the new growth are yellowish. Any advice welcome - rita (worried)



Well-Known Member
go to 18/6 on lights and get some superthrive 1/4 teaspoon per gallon And then give it time it will bounce back . lay of the nutes for now just superthrive you can by it at wal mart or homedepot

good luck~


Active Member
Thanks, went on 18/6, laid off nutes for a couple of days and babes now recovering, showing more growth - moving light nearer today as i think they need more light. Theres lots of good advice here and appreciate the help. Im just a 60 something old lady trying to grow enough to keep arthritus pain away at night, its my first attempt as I cant be going out looking to buy stuff at my age. Wouldnt know where to start looking anyway so growing is my solution and 2 plants is legal here in Spain, so not stressing about growing a couple of babes. Just looking forward to a bit of smoke one day and less pain.


Well-Known Member
no problem rita I am thirty something and I have a perscription so it is better for me and my wife, as she controls the money. So i no longer have to "chase" my medicine.

good luck to you and let me know if you yhave any more questions. I am no pro but I have some experience and I love this wonderful hobby.

good luck!


Well-Known Member
I would say don't worry about getting your light closer. I took a look at that thumbnail and the branches seem very tightly spaced. I would have to say the nutes stunted your plants growth as the plant is quite short for being four weeks old. Keep us updated on how it goes, maybe even start a grow journal.