Help :'(

some very bad advice . you can veg with any spectrum you want and switch them from 6500 or what a lot of us use today 7200k . and throw a 2700 k hps on top of the plant . there will NOT be any stress to the plants . as long as the time of day is steady 24/7 or 18 /6 no harm . this is done a lot with my friends . and a lot of people veg with hps with great results .
Be careful 24 hours is not good in my opinion (cept for cuttings) Hormones/enzymes & stoma will not work when they want.
if you know those words and what they mean then you would let her sleep
I could explain but google them and I'm pretty sure U will get it

BTW that is why the border of OR and CA is the prime for growing... Latitude ... If you get that then I again do not have to explain

otherwise I'll shut up cause someone will school me I am full of BS
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Cheers m8 they do look quite happy id say the groth rate is a tad slow apart from that i see no problems i mite just ride em out on the hps just the dam heat its been the biggest problem but ive managed to keep it around 76f now so switching bulbs now may give me more temp issues as its that cold now 5 mins outside with just a tshirt you get nipples like 50cal bullets
some very bad advice . you can veg with any spectrum you want and switch them from 6500 or what a lot of us use today 7200k . and throw a 2700 k hps on top of the plant . there will NOT be any stress to the plants . as long as the time of day is steady 24/7 or 18 /6 no harm . this is done a lot with my friends . and a lot of people veg with hps with great results .

Learn what really goes on inside flowers and other popular plants at night.
People sleep (usually) at night, and dogs and cats doze pretty much whenever they can. But how about other living things, like plants? Whether or not those tulips turn in at the end of the day depends on whom you ask—and how you define sleep.

Plants don’t have a central nervous system, which is an essential regulator of sleep in humans. But they do tune themselves to a 24-hour circadian rhythm, just like you. And they do shut down certain processes, like photosynthesis, when the sun goes down, shifting their focus instead to delivering glucose (sugar) throughout the plant. Some plants, including the aptly named morning glory, also close their blooms when the sun goes down.

Sunlight is a key trigger for humans to know what time to sleep and when to be awake. And the same is true of plants. While light and dark tell your body when to produce the hormone melatonin, which cues your body to feel sleepy, light and dark triggers tell plants when to produce the hormone auxin, which controls growth and development.

Plants may not be able to get up and hunt for food (or grocery shop, or call for takeout, for that matter!), but they do move in small ways to maximize their exposure to energy-giving sunlight. During the day, they soak up the sun in order to make energy through photosynthesis, a plant’s version of eating. Then, at night, they turn their attention to metabolizing the energy that they’ve taken in and using it to grow. So maybe you should be saying “goodnight” to your garden when you turn out the lights!

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
i did not read any thing you posted once you said plants have to sleep in the veg stage . all incorrect . plants do not need to sleep in the veg stage . plants do not need rest . plants can run 24/7 strongly suggest you read some information on this so you understand there is a lot of studies on this topic . proving my answer . . i am talking about a specific type of plant not sure on others or could care .
i did not read any thing you posted once you said plants have to sleep in the veg stage . all incorrect . plants do not need to sleep in the veg stage . plants do not need rest . plants can run 24/7 strongly suggest you read some information on this so you understand there is a lot of studies on this topic . proving my answer . . i am talking about a specific type of plant not sure on others or could care .

Thank you I found a study about that a long time marijuana specific and I just posted another cause I could not find it.....and sorry I tagged you some ass said c3 see I never heard of that so I will look and yes I thought I had that covered sorry so sorry
but you know what I never would have thought or readdressing that research if I ignored your post I would not have gotten off the track I was not that I'll be changing my 18/6 power bill mater's too hahahaha but I am enlightened Thank You really this is why you made this post

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
Thank you I found a study about that a long time marijuana specific and I just posted another cause I could not find it.....and sorry I tagged you some ass said c3 see I never heard of that so I will look and yes I thought I had that covered sorry so sorry
but you know what I never would have thought or readdressing that research if I ignored your post I would not have gotten off the track I was not that I'll be changing my 18/6 power bill mater's too hahahaha but I am enlightened Thank You really this is why you made this post
lmao . there was a major study about 24/7 vs 18 . what is cheaper to run in the long run . there was a study from high . ill give you the short version .ok think about it my plants are done weeks before yours . you are running fans at night takes electricity . your wasting time . you have to cool or heat the area for longer extra money . where is the savings ?
well I would li5ke to understand this too are they just certain strains all I find are frickin threads
me right now I have such lmited space it drives me nuts my flower room is awesome I have no room to veg I'm like right there able to get 12 or 14 girls happy t5 had t8 . like t5
....indoors way back at 1st I was a dummy HPS separated by wood thinking I was all cool and shit.
Hahahaha I have 3 600w adj HPS I am in so cal high desert veg 6:45p to 12:45 after noon and flower 6:30p ..6:30 am
and yeah it's not a lot of money it's be 8 t5 and I have space and back up so what guess 200w have yet to check that on thewith a meter t5 so that be about 1kw for the night hahahah

What caught my eye when i read about sleep is hormones and I understand that and the stoma which we have not talked I get that too ... I have zero issue I bomb 5 harvests every year but I'm fresh for info so thanks and no stress any link is great or me I can read I just type like shit truthfully I want to see this like i said I was set
thank you
i did not read any thing you posted once you said plants have to sleep in the veg stage . all incorrect . plants do not need to sleep in the veg stage . plants do not need rest . plants can run 24/7 strongly suggest you read some information on this so you understand there is a lot of studies on this topic . proving my answer . . i am talking about a specific type of plant not sure on others or could care .
Oh my Gad I feel like a dumb ass so it still scares me 3c 4c Wow..
I feel so old now hahaha

well I'm gonna have to talk myself down and think about this... my fricking veg are is almost embarassing
and it's in the closet in the flower room I know sounds getto but it's really pro set up the door it well I'll leave it at that
anyhow getting just 12 20" 2 -3' bushes is tough and if that has to be relieved then yeah next step is somewhere else for 1 2 or more that's easy I made a cool pvc pipe set up can put 4 3' plants under it and sturdy with 4 t8 on it anyhow
challenge is same as I always have - I have a cool pipe set up to flow fresh air in there and I can use the wall a/c to get cool in there BUT man I hate keeping that door closed 12 hr's ... sorry I'm rambling
yeah i dig on you schooling me this is interesting and all weed did i read that right I found 2 non thread site that were pretty clear and like after 2011 or 13 I think

Man i feel old Thanks we will catch up later
Well so U can see how I do - think I said I do 5 harvests a year to ya already
I'm behind schedule and cutting have to go to veg veg has to go to flower
My last harvest was weak any how late late late and had to put in shortties damn I am embarased to show the pic it's at 11th day of flower so that's as tall as she be
could be twice that but anther1205162139-00.jpg foot be ok by me here one I have handy of a 6/25/13 harvest I really don't take many pic as you see they come out shitty anyhow


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Hi guys i just got a 125w cfl and the plug on power cord is the type you plug into a ballast not the wall ive seen cfl plugged directly into Mains what can i do about this simply change plug?


Well-Known Member
Lol oliver... Why should anyone attemp to help you if your just gonna thread jack everyone's thread with butthurt & bullshit from
If you want to teach somebody something, you need to be able to learn how it works first. Stop with the copy/paste
Hi again people ive just put my plant in flower and was wandering if its ok to use an old refrigerator as a dark room as there small but bushy ive noticed water drops on them and think im making a mistake its the only 100% Dark place i have as i have other still veging