Hemp-sun Mosaic Virus

TMV, Sunn Hemp virus, whatever you want to call it.
Do you have a micrograph? If you don't then I doubt you've diagnosed it. I was just trying to help save you some time. I've literally spent weeks on this subject
This is what sunn hemp is..has nothing to do with cannabis, or hemp. This is the total.misconseption here.
No virus has been found ever in cannabis or hemp. TMV..same thing. Any yellow mosaic pattern in leaves is a trait. It doesnt hurt the plant in any way .
Time on what? First off there is no gloss to any of the leaves. My yields are fine to record yields. I plan on vacationing and getting rid of all of my strains and starting over. There is no time to save.
Do broad mites cause variagation on the leaves(mosaic patterning)?

As I said earlier, there is no need to diagnose anything. If it isn't TMV, Hemp Sunnn virus, whatever then I'm just vacationing and starting over because I feel like it. Everything fits though adn cannatonic is hi CBD, it's the one most affected and it is only really affected when it's hot and dry, which fits with the diagnosis for sunn hemp virus.

Do you have a micrograph? If you don't then I doubt you've diagnosed it. I was just trying to help save you some time. I've literally spent weeks on this subject
Time on what? First off there is no gloss to any of the leaves. My yields are fine to record yields. I plan on vacationing and getting rid of all of my strains and starting over. There is no time to save.
Do broad mites cause variagation on the leaves(mosaic patterning)?

As I said earlier, there is no need to diagnose anything. If it isn't TMV, Hemp Sunnn virus, whatever then I'm just vacationing and starting over because I feel like it. Everything fits though adn cannatonic is hi CBD, it's the one most affected and it is only really affected when it's hot and dry, which fits with the diagnosis for sunn hemp virus.
Whatever bug you have , which its most likely broad mites..you will habe to treat the surrounding area of your grow site..or you will have the same issues year after year. These boogers lay dormant till you got somethinh good for them to eat
Time on what? First off there is no gloss to any of the leaves. My yields are fine to record yields. I plan on vacationing and getting rid of all of my strains and starting over. There is no time to save.
Do broad mites cause variagation on the leaves(mosaic patterning)?

As I said earlier, there is no need to diagnose anything. If it isn't TMV, Hemp Sunnn virus, whatever then I'm just vacationing and starting over because I feel like it. Everything fits though adn cannatonic is hi CBD, it's the one most affected and it is only really affected when it's hot and dry, which fits with the diagnosis for sunn hemp virus.
Broad mites look like tmv. like diabolical said sunn hemp is not hemp nor is it cannabis, its deer feed. upload_2017-5-16_19-29-39.jpeg

Like I said, whatever you want to call it. And that guy was wrong in saying no virus affects hemp or cannabis so I just ignored them. Tobacco isn't hemp or cannabis either. Virus' can cross species. They may not be as devastating as in the original host the virus is known from and some act only as carriers but they can survive and affect different plants.

I'm telling you I don't have broad mites but I do have something affecting my plants, slightly. It fits tmv. There is no gloss and there is no loss in yield in SOME plants. Some are making record yields. Sorry this bothers you so much.
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I have a Topdawg strain that never stops this type of variegation. From seeds, clones through finish, every seed in every new pack(I have planted from four different packs from different years even) of seeds of this strain shows the same expression. I see no losses in yield, changes in growth or other fine expressions and it does not spread to any other plant. I never saw this in my garden. It doesnt affect me in any way and I will likely keep her forever
My Mob Boss just started this swirly leaf thing after growing it for a year with that never happening. Haven't seen that symptom appear in other strains that i remember. Different pics from TMV in cannabis all seem to appear in one strain or another in my garden and the Walker Kush just started getting the same symptoms of bottom leaves browning and curling and dying and reduced yields. I tried different soils, chem ferts with micronutrients, more perlite and longer time in the buckets for roots to buid, everything and still the cannatonic gets browning leaves on the bottom and reduced yields. No twisting of new vegetation, no gloss and no mites.
I'm no virologist and I have no electron microscope here, but I have been growing for 30 years and I know when something is up. I checked leaves before and again today, just a couple minutes ago with a 30x and 60x loupe. Nothing moving and nothing there.
I would keep scoping them..its got to be a micro mite. Its sure sounds like all the symptoms of
Also check soil, roots for any larvae or anything
I get every new strain tested for potency and they do a visual inspection under a scope each time. They've never found any mites. This has been going on for almost 2 years and I've had many new seeds cracked which got tested.

And as I've said, these plants in veg will be going into flower in 2 weeks and when they finish I'm going on vacation and starting over when I get back. Everything will be cleaned. When I get new clones they'll be in a glass quarantine tank and hit with eagle 20 and some kind of miticide before they get cloned and brought into the grow room.
I get every new strain tested for potency and they do a visual inspection under a scope each time. They've never found any mites. This has been going on for almost 2 years and I've had many new seeds cracked which got tested.

And as I've said, these plants in veg will be going into flower in 2 weeks and when they finish I'm going on vacation and starting over when I get back. Everything will be cleaned. When I get new clones they'll be in a glass quarantine tank and hit with eagle 20 and some kind of miticide before they get cloned and brought into the grow room.

if your garden issues continue after you bring in clones what will be your next thoughts on the issues?
The only thing that kills broad mites in veg is Forbid4f
If your plants are in flower forget it and cut em down. Forbid also kill mites but specialize in broad mites. Use in veg only!

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Def an infection going around and people are putting out some low grade cannabis... Shameful to see the cat get infected. Be careful out there GG4 started this mess in Michigan ,... stay away from it.
Broad mites have been here since I can remember and has absolutely nothing to do with GG#4 more or less growers with dirty nasty rooms without preventatives
Forbid4F is the only solution

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if your garden issues continue after you bring in clones what will be your next thoughts on the issues?
That nothing is wrong.
Nothing is "wrong" now except that cannatonic is acting "finicky" and I see things like a leaf that's not symmetrical or a few leaves with streaks in them or the cannatonics shoot leaves fold when I water too much or the main leaves slowly browning from the bottom up. Yields are 6-8oz per 5 gal bucket. Whatever it is it doesn't seem to "affect" all but one strain in the case of yields and if I baby her she produces records too.
I don't understand why people think that TMV can NOT have any affect on cannabis whatsoever.
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