Hemp-sun Mosaic Virus

That nothing is wrong.
Nothing is "wrong" now except that cannatonic is acting "finicky" and I see things like a leaf that's not symmetrical or a few leaves with streaks in them or the cannatonics shoot leaves fold when I water too much or the main leaves slowly browning from the bottom up. Yields are 6-8oz per 5 gal bucket. Whatever it is it doesn't seem to "affect" all but one strain in the case of yields and if I baby her she produces records too.
I don't understand why people think that TMV can NOT have any affect on cannabis whatsoever.

I think its because tmv has not been found on mj?
There is NO gloss to the leaves and yields are only reduced in ONE plant. Does that really sound like Broad mites and if so why are they so feared if they do hardly ANY damage? Do you think the 100x scope for a visual inspection at a testing lab would catch them? I've had at least 12 tests since this all started and no mites, no mold, no debris.

and you checked of course withb 100x scope..

we are trying to help ..dude..we have seen this before..
ok, that article says -not -sure if it really does infect cannabis-

now I am sure that if only one positive test was discovered, re tested and verified that there would no longer be ANY if ands or buts about this tmv right? even the best articles have not shown me a positive test for tmv, yet i have seen them for tobacco test results.
Science has not proven tmv infects cannabis, if they could they would? and then put an end to this I would think.

I couldnt help myself if I were you. I suspect if it actually is tmv that these scientists would be interested in their first case and probably certain protocols to make sure you dont infect another room full. clean well norby
ok, that article says -not -sure if it really does infect cannabis-

now I am sure that if only one positive test was discovered, re tested and verified that there would no longer be ANY if ands or buts about this tmv right? even the best articles have not shown me a positive test for tmv, yet i have seen them for tobacco test results.
Science has not proven tmv infects cannabis, if they could they would? and then put an end to this I would think.

I couldnt help myself if I were you. I suspect if it actually is tmv that these scientists would be interested in their first case and probably certain protocols to make sure you dont infect another room full. clean well norby
Read the article. There is more than just TMV. And with the # of people who test plants I'm not surprised TMV hasn't been found but it looks like others have been found which act similarly.
Read the article. There is more than just TMV. And with the # of people who test plants I'm not surprised TMV hasn't been found but it looks like others have been found which act similarly.

send it in and be a first norby, maybe one of those labs will do it for you?
put that shit on youtube and you'd be a frikken hero instantly!
I'm guessing those others were found because growers actually though they had tmv so they tested to prove it, discover and treat it properly, not really a sign of growers not testing, just a sign that of the plenty that do test for tmv and it has not been discovered on cannabis?
I'm no virologist. I only know when things change in my grow. If tmv doesn't infect cannabis then I have another virus that does. Not really worth me tracking someone down and sending something off.
I really don't care what the name of it is just that I'm getting rid of it. If I was mistaken because of a match to symptoms I read about on the internet were mistaken as to the actual name of the virus. then so be it. As long as it isn't mites that can go into stasis I don't care. And if it is broad mites then all I have to do is find a hi CBD cut that is resistant because if it wasnt for the HP cannatonic I would not know that I had anything. All it would be is a mis shapened leaf, a little bit of streaked color and a plant that has its fan leaves brown here and there and a reduced yield sometimes on 1 in 20 strains.

It would've been nice to have someone direct me towards the virus' that actually do affect cannabis instead of insisting TMV doesn't infect cannabis and it has to be mites, even though there is no gloss to the leaves, no twisting of new growth and no mites after 30-60x visual inspection and 100x scope of over dozens of samples sent to a lab and only reduction of yield in one species. People seem to post to see themselves post instead of reading symptoms and seeing if their post does any good for the situation. Cookie cutter growing philosophy instead of listening to symptoms. Just saying it's mites isn't going to make it true. Saying something like labs don't catch it ever and you need at least 100x scope to make out the shape or the mites dont' really move so you have to look at shape Would help but just insisting I have mites doesn't help at all. Even an explanation as to why I wouldn't see any of the classic symptoms or why I might not see reduced yields would at least be something.
There is NO gloss to the leaves and yields are only reduced in ONE plant. Does that really sound like Broad mites and if so why are they so feared if they do hardly ANY damage? Do you think the 100x scope for a visual inspection at a testing lab would catch them? I've had at least 12 tests since this all started and no mites, no mold, no debris.

the gloss doesn't matter.,if you tested them for mites then sure thing,,i missed about getting tested for russets/broads
..good one
you guys have No idea what you have done with this norby guy, He is NEVER wrong and will go to any length to prove it. get ready
be nice to find out what that trait is in my topdawg strain, there when running it and not there when not, only that strain, seeds, clones, no matter, always same strain, never bleach/clean anything but the seeds when purchased
my topdawg virus hasnt spread to any other plant in a over a year of running them. seeds, clones no mattter
they show variegation very young, like mites or virus waits in the corner for a year until a topdawg is born...
Sorry, not sure if this is sarcasm. It's a visual inspection that accompanies the potency test. They do it with a 100x scope I think. I have seen results for finding spider mites, thrips, fungus gnats, powdery mildew, mold, etc. Don't you think they would have found broad mites in teh buds?
And why would the glossy leaves not matter? I thought that was a sign of the mites?
the gloss doesn't matter.,if you tested them for mites then sure thing,,i missed about getting tested for russets/broads
..good one
necrosis is sign of mites[russet/broad]..glossy is a happy term..

yes you mentioned the 100 x scope after i did

why would i try to help and be sarcastic?

i saw another lab report above but your handle was not on it..

and you are using the word "mites"..like they work the same way on the plant ..

please continue..you are too defensive