Hempy, 400 watt Tent, and a Dream!


Well-Known Member
I could build a greenhouse.

On the flip side, growing inside your house is legal here as long as you have 25 plants or less. Growing outside is not legal. I don't know if a greenhouse would cross the barrier of legality.
I'll call the attorney and check.



Active Member
It freezes here when the light gets to 12/12. There have been some great outdoor grows up here but I don't have the inside scoop on picking up the strains that work.

I'm looking.
I will be trying some auto flowers outside this summer . Still waiting for snow to melt 2 more weeks and it won't be dark till August . I will post up a journal


Well-Known Member
Shag, I ordered a bunch of auto's as well. We'll see how they do. Hopefully, the summer is better than last.


Active Member
But our summers here tend to "Rule" . 75 to 85 every day .

Im thinking I will start the auto's on about May 1 . They would go outside June 1 , We are frost free June 1 till August 15 . What are you thinking ?

I have Short Rider Auto after I bought them, I seen Northern light auto became available .


Well-Known Member
I ordered 10 Short Rider Auto's as well.

I have a few AK 47 Auto's, plus a mixed bag of freebies. I'm considering another 20 beans. I haven't decided on where to try them out.

Do you have a spot picked? Moose are a big problem around my house.


Active Member
Nothing worse than a stoned moose in the yard. LOL

I'm going for 5 gallon buckets on the roof . I have no neighbors , just worried about friends stopping by and admiring the real garden, then spotting a funny tomato . No need for trouble .

Im doing my best to keep it 24 .


Well-Known Member
It's no problem to stay below 25 indoors.
The temptation may be too great for outdoor. Guerilla growing for some hash and seeds may be the eventual path. I have neighbors. They are like bloodhounds. That's why the scrubber was so important:)


Well-Known Member

The royal hash is hermie. I found balls a few minutes ago.

It looks like my first grow is only going to see 2 plants make it to fruition.

I hope that my bud isn't full of seeds from these bananas.



Active Member
Pew, why did you choose to go with straight perlite?
I started with a 'Keep it simple" philosophy, wanting to keep the # of components at a minimum. The more weeks have rolled by, the more difficult that KISS strategy has been to maintain. My understanding of the vermiculite/coco is that it reduces the amount of waterings required, and since I know myself more likely to be a 'kill it with kindness'/over-water type, I thought 100% perlite would be a good way to try the method. Now that I have done more reading on substrates, Im leaning towards giving coco/perlite a go too.

The most difficult component for me to dial-in so far has been the rockwool, keeping it moist enough to not dry, but not too soggy. The humidity can swing 10-15 points the in area, so its difficult to measure a specific quantity, but at this point, watering about 10-11 ML a day directly into the RW cubes, until the roots get long enough to reach the res. Appreciate any words of wisdom on this...


Well-Known Member
Rockwool can be a bit of a bugger to deal with.

Please post when you find the solution to the rockwool dilemna. I'm sure that I overwater mine.

The budder turned out awesome. I got toasted last night while making it. I took all of the larger leaves and trimmings and froze them for making bubble hash later. All of the bud and the leaves that were covered with trichomes were chopped and went into the mini crock. The little crock was picked up just for making budder. It holds all of the material and butter and has a bit of room to spare.

There were 14 seeds in the plant with 3 sets of nuts. the nuts opened freely and dispersed pollen when I mashed them. Damn, I hope my room isn't completely seeded.

The new plan is to have 4 plants max in the tent. I allowed the tent to get too full. That was all the excuse I needed to be less thorough in my plant checks. :(

Lesson learned.


Active Member
Rockwool solution : STG cubes.

My grow is looking a little more delayed. some minor tweaks to my grow, Like prebuffer my coco with superthrive and epsom salt. so when those come in the mail (i use mail for everything cause stores are always so limited in stock).

im still making notes for my grow journal in a txt file to be putting it.


Well-Known Member
What are the benefits of using coco over vermiculite? I have a 4 ft^3 bag of vermiculite so it will be a while before I can switch....but I'm definately interested in learning more about coco?


Active Member
All about experimenting to find out what is going to work best for each person/environment.


Well-Known Member

id link to my package but im lazy and this link is faster but here is a video explaining STG cubes and all STG mediums


PS they also come in clipper (neoprene copy) and full bucket fillers. aslo what im gonna try when i grtab some superroot air pots on my next grow, loose fill STG. like loose fill rockwool
I've been eye balling this stuff for a while,,can't wait to get some extra money to buy some.


Well-Known Member
That's what I thought, but actually its really thin strings of plastic wound up together...read into it on sure to grow's website. Definitely looks like it has the potential to take over, I've seen quite some success on YouTube with it.