Here it comes - gun control!!!

Tom cats... was that the fighter pilot cats.... ummm... T-Bone and Razor? I loved that show! lol


Yup, that's the one. I ate that shit up too; was one of my favorites. I guess the actual name was S.W.A.T Kats

Post 1001; makin moves
Swat cats was one of my favorites, yosemedy sam was the shit along with most loony toons, but I like to kick it real old school popeye and scooby doo(just the old ones the new ones truely suck). This may sound kind of gay but I really like how to train your dragon.
I heard an agrument this weekend in regards to Gun Control that made me think. The whole point to the Second Amendment is for the citizen body to be able to bear arms and overthrow their government when it needs be ( ahhh guess those guys are running late or something cause we could have used that 20 years ago).

BUt the arguments twist is pretty interesting. What good does arms do a citizen body when the GOVERNMENT HAS NUCLEAR AND BIOCHEMICAL ARMS! AND HAS USED THEM BEFORE! Less so, the Governments Guns are far richer, bigger, and better than the BS arms that the average citizen can possess.

Now, I know it seems far fetched of the imagination that the Government would indeed bomb its own people ( happened a shit ton in human history so idk why so skeptical ). However, I think as a body of cannabis users, we know first hand that the Government does NOT respect its people, let alone listen to them. They have arrested MILLIONS of us in regards to Cannabis. It's the Governments way or the highway, and I don't think anyone will argue against that.

To me, it made the whole gun control argument seem rather silly. Rather petty and irrelevant in the whole scale of the picture.

Ya know, Homicide rates over the last 40 year period is actually down 9.4% according to the FBI. Capital "Punishment" on the other hand is up 41.5% over the last forty year period. Sourcing wikipedia. Throw the "collateral damage losses" on the hands of the US Government, Inc. (I.E.- Iraq some 200k+ citizens murdered) and I think the argument for controlling the GOVERNMENT makes wayyyyy more logic.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it :)
^^^ Well said! I was at the parade grounds again this fall. When the Brits declared that the colonials could no longer assemble and muster under arms they did it anyway. Then they flew their colors and the gloves were off. They had muskets. The Brits were a powerful military force to reckon with. They were a superior force at sea, not sure about land. Point is the colonials stood up with what they had and eventually prevailed. I agree in regards to the 2nd, it's meaning.
I can't believe noone mentioned Beavis and Butthead.

Im ashamed of myself and the rest of you for forgetting that.
I just watched 6 episodes this last weekend
Even my 12 year old couldnt get into it. metacolypse and the squidbillies is funny even if you aint smoking. Glad I picked up a DVR yesterday
Kids nowadays wouldn't get Beavis and Butthead, it's a generational thing.
Kids nowadays wouldn't get Beavis and Butthead, it's a generational thing.

That sucks! cn

LOL, I'm glad others do this as well with their kids. Every time I hear "Who lives in a pineapple under the sea" I come running to sit with the kids. I love me some stupid funny.

Yea their was another place where gun controll happend I can't remember I think it was called pre war austria when they welcomed Hitler and look how that ended up
ha check out this guy!

he thinks those ATF forms you gotta fill out to buy a gun arent registration.. ahh you slay me.

any time you buy a gun the ATF gets a form with your name, the guns serial number, and all the data they need to enter you details into the gun registration database that they "Totally Dont Keep Since That Would Be A Violation Of Court Rulings And The Law!""
gotta make sure you speak clearly, and loudly for the microphones. it's all about deniability.

actually arizona does not require gun registration for private party. you can buy and sell guns all day long legally on backpage no forms, or registration.

guns are only registered to you if you buy it new from a ffl, you can buy your friends gun and not have to tell any form of law enforcement that you did anything.

arizona is pretty gun friendly to say the least haha
Dunno what you's had, but we'd some seriously quality stuff.

Battletech, Skeleton Warriors, Conan, the original Spider-Man.

And let us not forget: (Not from the 90's, but it was played to death that decade).


Im probably forgetting tons of seriously high quality stuff, but alas the green machine is fully charged tonight.

come on guuys what about johny quest that show was awesome