HERMIE?? Or... Calyxs?

Intresting discussion on origins of dioecy hermaphrodism.
Ill try post some cannabis stuff if i find it that opens the debate up and explains stuff a bit easier to show what imsaying. This is a basic link on sex -

There's no test here. No statistics. Nothing to corroborate what you're implying. The fact is.. chromosomes. To say that a strain can be "stabilized" of hermaphroditism is just plain incorrect. You cannot rid a dioecious plant of it's hermaphroditic tendency. It's also impossible to rid seeds of their propensity to produce inherent hermaphrodites. Especially if any generation on either side was produced by herm pollen. There is no such thing as a hermie free strain. If it was possible, they would be some of the most popular strains. Also.. we wouldn't bother keeping clone only strains alive. We'd just herm them and hope the "dummy" who grows the seeds doesn't herm them. Which is what you were arguing is happening.
I’ll be honest, I haven’t read through most of the links posted, and a lot of people in this topic sound like they know a good bit more about genetics than I do. But what I have gathered is this:

Example: I have a female plant. No “nanners” no balls, just nice female calyxes.. I pollinate half the plant with a true male plant’s pollen and the other half with pollen collected from a cluster of “nanners” thrown on an otherwise female plant. From what I have read, I would think the seeds produced from the female “nanners” would have a higher rate of exhibiting herm traits.

Maybe there simply isn’t enough information available to make a sound judgement one way or the other. Regardless, seems safe to try to avoid breeding with herms, unless necessary.
Except it dosent and the true non herm seeds end up as herms in another new growers tent whilst the full herns end up not herms in a pros tent.

If it were as simple as breeding then we could breed but not once has this breeding pattern been replicated!

I’ll be honest, I haven’t read through most of the links posted, and a lot of people in this topic sound like they know a good bit more about genetics than I do. But what I have gathered is this:

Example: I have a female plant. No “nanners” no balls, just nice female calyxes.. I pollinate half the plant with a true male plant’s pollen and the other half with pollen collected from a cluster of “nanners” thrown on an otherwise female plant. From what I have read, I would think the seeds produced from the female “nanners” would have a higher rate of exhibiting herm traits.

Maybe there simply isn’t enough information available to make a sound judgement one way or the other. Regardless, seems safe to try to avoid breeding with herms, unless necessary.
And thats the problem with broscience herms - go fucking breed exactly what your telling me and make your true non herm strains or you got shit but cheap ass bs talk!
Except it dosent and the true non herm seeds end up as herms in another new growers tent whilst the full herns end up not herms in a pros tent.

If it were as simple as breeding then we could breed but not once has this breeding pattern been replicated!

Is there any sort of mods here that we can report this guy to? We definitely need to NOT have 2hearts giving advice.
And thats the problem with broscience herms - go fucking breed exactly what your telling me and make your true non herm strains or you got shit but cheap ass bs talk!
Im very sorry you are such an angry person. Hope you are able to find peace and happiness. I simply did a google search for “breeding with Herms” and the almost unanimous conclusion from almost
every forum searched and linked page is that breeding with genetic herms is a bad idea and has a higher chance of passing the herm gene on. I apologize for trying to offer thoughts on the topic as it seems to really have angered you; I suppose we can just agree to disagree and be decent adults about it. No need for unprovoked verbal attacks, unless that’s simply the kind of person you are, in which case, I can’t see a respectable discussion occurring with you, and wish you the best of luck.