Hermies, please provide advice ASAP


dude i read ur post and no ones advise to u just to say i just harvested a hermi and u r better off getting rid of it now. i plucked balls every day and could not keep up with it. what ever is pollenated is done. but any new hairs will not be so good luck hope u make right choice. axe the hermies
Hmm, I haven't axed it yet but did pick off the balls. I was planning on seeing how quickly they start to grow again, but from your post it sounds pretty quick. So you are thinking that if I kill it now my 3 other girls will be much better off? I was thinking that they were already pollinated and due to that I had nothing to lose.

Also, I do have about 8 other clones (of the same random genetics) that I put into flower about 10 days ago, perhaps those would be ok if I axed the hermie now as buds are just starting to form.

If I did axe the hermie would there be any point in saving the colas? As you can see if the picks they are quite developed and do actually have quite a few trics now, I know they are way early yet to harvest but perhaps they'll provide some weak smoke in the meantime? I'm currently out and was planning on doing my best to hold off buying some until my harvest.


Well-Known Member
i had hermies, cut the bannanas off, fed it "lafemme" and bang no more hermie its gone back to growing bud....

but mine hermied due to light leak


my advise is to go buy sum beans and start fresh.. u say its an uknow strain from a friend.. well u have no info on it at all.. at least starting fresh u know its history and be able to get tips and answers about that breed
Ouch, hate hearing advice like this =)

I have no smoke at the moment and it's not possible for me to start another grow for a while so I have no choice but to finish the current one. I know it won't be top quality stuff anymore but hopefully it will still be decent enough to last me until I can start another grow, which probably won't be for 6 months or so unfortunately...

Next grow will for sure be with seeds of a know type. Haven't decided which ones, ideally it would be some cross that had more of a sativa type high but was easy to grow indoors and had a reasonable flowering time, say no longer than 8 or 9 weeks. While on the topic, anyone have any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Ouch, hate hearing advice like this =)

I have no smoke at the moment and it's not possible for me to start another grow for a while so I have no choice but to finish the current one. I know it won't be top quality stuff anymore but hopefully it will still be decent enough to last me until I can start another grow, which probably won't be for 6 months or so unfortunately...

Next grow will for sure be with seeds of a know type. Haven't decided which ones, ideally it would be some cross that had more of a sativa type high but was easy to grow indoors and had a reasonable flowering time, say no longer than 8 or 9 weeks. While on the topic, anyone have any suggestions?
sry man but by the time i got here what i woulda said was cover and so was any other option recomendable... so that was the only advise left to give... it does make sence rite???


i had hermies, cut the bannanas off, fed it "lafemme" and bang no more hermie its gone back to growing bud....

but mine hermied due to light leak
Hmm, interesting, I've never heard of this product, I'll have to google it.

Can hermies be caused by over fertilizing? I think I may have very slightly over fertilized as the leaf tips are just slightly burnt.

Also, I have a busy day today and didn't really get to tend the plants like I wanted to. I need to check the other 3 plants to ensure they don't have balls as well.


STRESS!!!! Your plant got stressed out and grew balls in order to keep fulfill its natural desire to reproduce. I just harvested some snowcap and some of my lower branches that weren't getting as much light formed seed on them. I think you should cut off areas where they are prevalent and you should be ok




Well-Known Member
your local hydroshop should carry it

id say what made ur plants go was the transplant on the 2nd week of flowering.... thats a big no no... always do it before flowering


Well-Known Member
yeah keep an eye on them they can pop up quick and then open before you know it, if its from condition lafemme should work, if its genetic, the balls will come back


your local hydroshop should carry it

id say what made ur plants go was the transplant on the 2nd week of flowering.... thats a big no no... always do it before flowering
Crap, very good to know that but I wish a knew it a few weeks ago =). In all the reading I did I didn't remember anything saying not to transplant during flowering so I went ahead and did it. I didn't even really need to transplant as the pots were already quite big but I was thinking having even more room might give the roots more space and result in a higher yield, guess not.

I'll have to give the 3 other plants a good look to see that they aren't having issues as well. I thought I saw a couple balls on another plant yesterday but I haven't had time to take a closer look.


yeah keep an eye on them they can pop up quick and then open before you know it, if its from condition lafemme should work, if its genetic, the balls will come back
Ok, good to know. As mentioned I have no idea what the genetics are of these but I do know that my buddy I got the clones from also had to deal with at least 1 hermie. I haven't talked to him a few weeks so don't if he has had other issues. His could have been caused by many things though, he had his in a greenhouse and it got way too hot a few times (like 120F or so)

I guess I should check out that lafemme or reverse and see if it helps out.


Ok, so I checked on the hermie again today and there was already a ton more balls after only 2 days. This is going to be a huge PITA, so i think I'm going to axe it. My questino is now, based on the pics before is there any point in harvesting this? I currently have no bud and am not planning on buying anymore before my other plants are ready for harvest. After drying/curing time I'm still looking at 6 weeks at best, more reaslistically 8 weeks till the other plants are done. This is 33 days into flower (so just under 5 weeks) which I know is WAY short as there are still all white pistils on it. But, there is also a ton of trics and te buds are very dense and sticky. I know it won't be great stuff but will it be a total waste to try and harvest the hermie to give me some smoke until the other plants are done? I think I'm going to do it either way just to practise manicuring and so I can see how long things take to dry/etc.

What should I expect? I'll post pics later but I think past pics should give some indication.