HEY ALL YOU MORNING PEOPLE...will you read this please?

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
The time of day some one gets out of bed has nothing to do with wanting to be a better person, the time of day some one decides to become a better person is what is important. The sooner in the day I can be happy the better.
Your original post seemed to imply other thoughts.
Are you a politician?
Ever run for office?


Active Member
this is a question '' morning people ''...you know these guys and gals, wake up at 6 or 7 or 8 AM in the morning, feeling entirley refreshed, ready to go, happy, taklative etc i think you get the point...i was wondering if maybe you could help or give me some tips on becoming more of a ''morning person'' i try to stay in good health and although i dont excerise or anythin i do eat decently healthy, i try to lay down or go to bed at an early time as possible, get a full 8 hrs or MORE but no matter what time i wake up i always feel like SHIT..im always very tired, groggy, im a total dickhead, not talkative, un receptive, i HATE other people talking to me and bringing up what i think of is stupid shit, but its usually always ME that is being stupid...if i get up at like 8AM or 10ish im very bad, very much a dick and just am a plain asshole. tired, dont feel like getting out of bed let alone moving. if i wake up at like 12 or 2pm its a little better but not much and usualy for the first hour or so im up i am like that. how do you feel in the mornings? i understand all people are edgy in the morn or w.e. but im ESPECIALLY bad, even when i had a gf she would stay away from me in the morning time because she knew how i was.... is there anythin i can do to change this? i hate being an asshole and then when i finally even out hours later i look back on my words and actions and am disgusted with myself. any input really would be appreciated including tips or maybe why you think i might be like this. im sorry for the novel, its just hard to explain myself on a computer. thanks everyone!
What are your goals in life? Sounds to me you may not have anything that your looking forward to obtaining or achieving? Something that would really excite you if achieved? Thats the reason I get up so early every morning honestly. Its funny because I remember being in elementary school on up, and I HATED getting up in the morning, but that was because I hated going to school. Now that im older, and I have 100% freedom, I get up at about 6am every morning, no alarm clock, and I love it. ESPECIALLY to smoke at 6am when its nice and silent? PRICELESS!

BTW im under the age of 30


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
You may want to get a sleep test done to see if you are actually getting into the proper sleep patterns. My hubby was diagnosed with sleep apnea. Before that he was feeling similar to you but now he uses this sleep machine and has the best sleeps ever. :D


Well-Known Member
HEY!!! KEEP IT DOWN IN HERE, IT'S 5 AM. Some ppl are still trying to sleep. Damn morning ppl, waking up all smiling and talkative, ready for a jog. Go to bed! Either you are or you aren't, I don't think there's a secret formula for being a morning person. Let me know if you figure it out. Now stfu... stay high.

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
this is a question '' morning people ''...you know these guys and gals, wake up at 6 or 7 or 8 AM in the morning, feeling entirley refreshed, ready to go, happy, taklative etc i think you get the point...i was wondering if maybe you could help or give me some tips on becoming more of a ''morning person''
Put icy hot on your nuts when you wake up.


Well-Known Member
your diet has a lot to do with your mental health, as does exercise. i tried st. john's wort before, the people around me said they noticed a difference in my moods. give it a try, but like trying to lose weight, you need to do all these things together, just eating diet pill wont work to well...peace


Well-Known Member
Im the same way aknight,just a complete fucking dickhead!At least we are able to admit it,so we CAN do something about it.If you drink coffee,don't.Its not good for a.m. dickheadedness:).Ill tell you what works for me,a little wake and bake as soon as i clear the cobwebs. A couple b's,pipe hits,doobie,hookah whatever!?Then take a hot shower with radio/music on, you will be singing before you get out:).The hotwater calms me and puts me in a good mood or just a better state of mind.It gives me a moment alone to reflect on whether or not to continue to be an asshole for the day,most times I choose wisely:).GL.peaceHAPPY THANKSGIVING

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
this is a question '' morning people ''...you know these guys and gals, wake up at 6 or 7 or 8 AM in the morning, feeling entirley refreshed, ready to go, happy, taklative etc i think you get the point...i was wondering if maybe you could help or give me some tips on becoming more of a ''morning person'' i try to stay in good health and although i dont excerise or anythin i do eat decently healthy, i try to lay down or go to bed at an early time as possible, get a full 8 hrs or MORE but no matter what time i wake up i always feel like SHIT..im always very tired, groggy, im a total dickhead, not talkative, un receptive, i HATE other people talking to me and bringing up what i think of is stupid shit, but its usually always ME that is being stupid...if i get up at like 8AM or 10ish im very bad, very much a dick and just am a plain asshole. tired, dont feel like getting out of bed let alone moving. if i wake up at like 12 or 2pm its a little better but not much and usualy for the first hour or so im up i am like that. how do you feel in the mornings? i understand all people are edgy in the morn or w.e. but im ESPECIALLY bad, even when i had a gf she would stay away from me in the morning time because she knew how i was.... is there anythin i can do to change this? i hate being an asshole and then when i finally even out hours later i look back on my words and actions and am disgusted with myself. any input really would be appreciated including tips or maybe why you think i might be like this. im sorry for the novel, its just hard to explain myself on a computer. thanks everyone!
I find the longer you lie in bed the worse it is, you have to get up and out of bed nice and early have a cup of tea and then a nice hot shower you will be set for the day then. My guess is you are lying in to long if I do that I feel like shit all day and get a banging headache.


Well-Known Member
Sleep apnea....maybe do you snore like all get out?As ive gotten older the earlier i get up,and i used to hate mornings.I love getting up and watch the sun come up and being all alone IS priceless like someone sais,Are you a happy person otherwise?Beech


Well-Known Member
Ever since I lost a lot of weight I no longer snore, and get a much better nights sleep. Also, many people, myself included, use cannabis to sleep, but many people actually have the opposite effect from it. If its a big enough deal to try something drastic, maybe a break for a month to see if it helps?


I have pets that get me up around 7 but then we usually go back to bed or watch TV. I use't to work rotating 12 hours shifts which really sucked but the $ was great, after 12 years of not knowing if I was awake or asleep I finally feel normal. To get up ok in the AM don't drink anything after 8PM and be in bed before 12. Food has affects also nothing spicy late at night. At the drug stores they have the supplement that goes into Tylenol PM without the Tylenol that helps also. Good Luck

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Do you eat a lot of carbs? For me, I found when I dramatically cut down carbs from my diet I was a much better person overall. More energy in the morning and throughout the day. My head seems to be a lot clearer too. I just feel more "clean" on inside. I know that sounds kinda stupid, but its true. There have been studies that show the way carbs break down in our system is not optimal.


Well-Known Member
If left to my own devices I'd go to bed ten or eleven and get up eight or nine. I need at LEAST eight hours of sleep or I feel like crap, nine is better. But over the years I've worked all kinds of shifts from graveyard, nine to five and swing and everything in between. My current job in nine to six, so I crash between nine and ten. I always wake up around seven. Gives me time to shower, go to the store and gather my sense. I work from home so no commute. That is changing, my company is pulling all tech support out of California so this is my last week of work, then unemployment. What really sucks aside from that is, I had to quit smoking so I'll be clean when looking for another job. I'm so used to being relaxed from smoking at night, I just am not sleeping well...light sleep with constant dreaming. I'll get used to it, and it was time for a break anyway


Well-Known Member
Do you eat a lot of carbs? For me, I found when I dramatically cut down carbs from my diet I was a much better person overall. More energy in the morning and throughout the day. My head seems to be a lot clearer too. I just feel more "clean" on inside. I know that sounds kinda stupid, but its true. There have been studies that show the way carbs break down in our system is not optimal.
For most of the week I don't eat carbs except from vegetables and salad or sugar. When my body starts being starved of carbs I can't sleep. If I get up and eat cereal or something I get to sleep right away


What are your goals in life? Sounds to me you may not have anything that your looking forward to obtaining or achieving? Something that would really excite you if achieved? Thats the reason I get up so early every morning honestly. Its funny because I remember being in elementary school on up, and I HATED getting up in the morning, but that was because I hated going to school. Now that im older, and I have 100% freedom, I get up at about 6am every morning, no alarm clock, and I love it. ESPECIALLY to smoke at 6am when its nice and silent? PRICELESS! BTW im under the age of 30
wow this thread blew up after i went to bed last night, i really appreciate everyones input that is awesome, there are alot of useful tips in here and i think alot of them (mostly what is wrote above) is a big problem for me, i dont drink coffee ever but im def. going to try to do some of the things you guys have said and see if i can make it work, happy thanksgiving guys! and girls !! annnnd oh yes btw thanks chiceh for suggesting the sleep apnea thing, my father atually has sleep apnea so that could also make sense, although im not overweight, it still may very well be a porblem, i love you people


Well-Known Member
i have severe apnea, i havent really slept since i was 14. i just kinda deal wth the effects of it as far as being tired and moods and stuff. the only thing i really hate is every now and then i tend to just pass out at random like im narcoleptic. i fell asleep mid sentence standing up talkin to my boss 1 day. shit sux lol


Well-Known Member
i have severe apnea, i havent really slept since i was 14. i just kinda deal wth the effects of it as far as being tired and moods and stuff. the only thing i really hate is every now and then i tend to just pass out at random like im narcoleptic. i fell asleep mid sentence standing up talkin to my boss 1 day. shit sux lol
That's not good, sleep apnea kills slowly. Get yourself checked if you can.


Well-Known Member
That's not good, sleep apnea kills slowly. Get yourself checked if you can.
yea i have. i was put on a cpap when i was 21 but to this day i cant really sleep with it. my doc is always bitchin me out about it. he just constantly monitors my heart and so far im still good but i gotta get used to this machine. i know i need to use it every night