New Member
Was with my 8th grade sweetheart and her family at the time, and I guess they didn't know Denny's has a black's only does that happen?
Was with my 8th grade sweetheart and her family at the time, and I guess they didn't know Denny's has a black's only does that happen?
Yeah the shwag comes from down south buddy, the north has some great bud. +1 on giving back bacon to you guys, that stuff is nonsense.
Not dennys=they like Rosco's-Black people love Denny's. That is all.
Georgia don't want Dennys its Waffle House 24/7 in will georgia take them?
Does Dennys in Canada have Canadian bacon?? because they don't here. I'm pretty sure they don't even serve canadian bacon but they should.
Please take that bitch Jusin Bieber back to canada. Ill never understanding how you breed up there. To pop out something like him.
Please take that bitch Jusin Bieber back to canada. Ill never understanding how you breed up there. To pop out something like him.
As long as you take back Randy quade and his dingaling wife LOL
As long as you take back Randy quade and his dingaling wife LOL
This is the denny's food here, Hot pot udon with shrimp fry.
Walked past him in the hotel lobby and handed him my vodka and Kool-Aid. Didn't know what else to do.Please take that bitch Jusin Bieber back to canada. Ill never understanding how you breed up there. To pop out something like him.