Hey, It's me: Good 'ole Joe Biden

Enough of the old white guys!

They don't give a flying fuck about sending the prime of youth off to die in their wars to fatten their bank accounts while they sit at home out of harm's way. Don't care if the planet is left in a mess as they'll be worm food before it affects them. Can't care much for their own families either I guess.

It's all gone to shit since the old white guys got rid of JFK. He cared and that upset the balance.

We need forward thinking younger people running the world. Women would probably do a better job in most cases but sure as hell not one like Killary.

I'm an old white guy and I wouldn't vote for me. :D
Enough of the old white guys!

They don't give a flying fuck about sending the prime of youth off to die in their wars to fatten their bank accounts while they sit at home out of harm's way. Don't care if the planet is left in a mess as they'll be worm food before it affects them. Can't care much for their own families either I guess.

It's all gone to shit since the old white guys got rid of JFK. He cared and that upset the balance.

We need forward thinking younger people running the world. Women would probably do a better job in most cases but sure as hell not one like Killary.

I'm an old white guy and I wouldn't vote for me. :D

Sorry but Biden is going to be the democrat nominee. No way around it. The media will be 100% all in for Biden 24/7. The media's marching orders already given by Obama. One by one the media will take them all down except Uncle Joe.

Sorry but Biden is going to be the democrat nominee. No way around it. The media will be 100% all in for Biden 24/7. The media's marching orders already given by Obama. One by one the media will take them all down except Uncle Joe.


too bad media's not in charge and when they took down sanders in lieu of HRH clinton..they're now saying coronations and 'it's my turn' isn't acceptable this time around.. when they were the worst abusers of this practice.

they sicken me.
idk. I think Beto has the most street cred. He's like a young white Obama. A proverbial Democrat's wet dream.

He was in a punk band. Has a criminal record. Skateboards. Likes to drink. He is human (sort of).

It's going to be hard to argue that he doesn't have his finger on the pulse.

All he has to do is not make any overtly racist or violent statements in the next year and he'll beat Sanders in the primaries for sure.
"The only bombs I will drop are F-bombs"
idk. I think Beto has the most street cred. He's like a young white Obama. A proverbial Democrat's wet dream.

He was in a punk band. Has a criminal record. Skateboards. Likes to drink. He is human (sort of).

It's going to be hard to argue that he doesn't have his finger on the pulse.

All he has to do is not make any overtly racist or violent statements in the next year and he'll beat Sanders in the primaries for sure.
You know what scares me about him?
He's young, smart, charismatic, good looking, speaks intelligently, is on topic about the major concerns affecting this country, and I simply can't get the connection out of my head.

You know what scares me about him?
He's young, smart, charismatic, good looking, speaks intelligently, is on topic about the major concerns affecting this country, and I simply can't get the connection out of my head.

They may have both been named Robert Francis, but there was only one Bobby Kennedy.

By 1968 he was already a political icon.
Former DOJ racket committee chasing the mob & Jimmy Hoffa, then AG, then sitting NY senator, not to mention the brother of a very popular assassinated president.

Bobby announced he was running in the middle of March '68, chased LBJ out of the race 2 weeks later and won every primary after announcing except for Gene McCarthy's home state.

Beto has a long, long, looonng way to go to even come close to a surging RFK by June '68.

And today's polarization didn't exist in 1968. Bobby was a force that everyone feared. Nixon barely squeaked by Humphrey, Bobby would have stomped him down the drain where he belonged.

The jury's still out on how far Beto can go. Bobby had a very solid, well known and popular anti-war and civil rights platform along with his brother's ghost to get him to the White House. People liked Jack and people wanted Bobby to complete the unfinished work of his dead brother.
but there was only one Bobby Kennedy.
Amen brother,

nothing more to say beyond that.

Your seemingly another old fuck like me to remember that time, (why aren't you dead yet, like I am (RIU is my Purgatory) )

Hey, on an up note, put your toes up and put a match to a doobie, sit back for a moment, relax and sing your ass off to this song :)

in the new era of 'me too'? uncle joe needs the womens vote as does all other candidates to succeed..he's gonna be a tough sell with GIFs like below.. and where's he going to get his money? better not be from any PAC or he's a goner.

like it or not, and call it what you will, our new president needs to be 'we the people' centric with a mix of democratic socialism to offset the far right- it's what 'we the people' want and polls show this.

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I'm torn between voting for Vermin Supreme or Ford Lincoln Mercury from the movie The Postman.

One has a boot on his head and the other has a catchy name. I may just abstain.
I'm torn between voting for Vermin Supreme or Ford Lincoln Mercury from the movie The Postman.

One has a boot on his head and the other has a catchy name. I may just abstain.
Good for you. I’m sure you believe you’re humorous
I'd take Biden over the Dumpster any day but shit has to change.

Yeah I agree there is millions dying in the streets. Gas pumps don't work due to power outages.

No potable water, People scrounging for water out of sewers. I haven't showered in weeks.

Grocery store shelves wiped out and no produce due to said power outages.

Cell phones are shut down and no internet.

78% unemployment rate and DOW tumbles to below 4,000 today.

Its so tough to be an American today. Past time for a revolution.

and of course Orange Man Bad!!!
and of course Orange Man Bad!!!

Well, you have to understand the dynamics of this forum. Yes, it's a weed site, and since weed has been mostly illegal, the members of this site are outlaws. As outlaws, we are mostly rebellious people whose attitudes are progressive and liberal.

That makes us targets for moronic sheeple that find the conservative rhetoric plausible. Some of these sheeple come here solely to rile up the liberals, because it makes them feel like they are smart.

Just think, if you were simple enough to buy into what fox news is spewing, you might want to post something that would raise a ruckus, and garner enough responses to make yourself feel important. It just may be the most attention they ever receive.

Yeah I agree there is millions dying in the streets. Gas pumps don't work due to power outages.

No potable water, People scrounging for water out of sewers. I haven't showered in weeks.

Grocery store shelves wiped out and no produce due to said power outages.

Cell phones are shut down and no internet.

78% unemployment rate and DOW tumbles to below 4,000 today.

Its so tough to be an American today. Past time for a revolution.

and of course Orange Man Bad!!!

I bet your trailer is filthy
Yeah I agree there is millions dying in the streets. Gas pumps don't work due to power outages.

No potable water, People scrounging for water out of sewers. I haven't showered in weeks.

Grocery store shelves wiped out and no produce due to said power outages.

Cell phones are shut down and no internet.

78% unemployment rate and DOW tumbles to below 4,000 today.

Its so tough to be an American today. Past time for a revolution.

and of course Orange Man Bad!!!
Don't you have a job?