Hey, It's me: Good 'ole Joe Biden

Hello, it is me again. Joe Biden. Ok, so yea, you guys found out that I like to touch people and stuff. But, hey - let's be honest here.... at least I'm not gay or only 1/4 Indian right?

Member that time I was hanging out with Obama? Fuck yea. Let's focus on that!
But he quoted MSDNC, your Bible television! It CAN'T be wrong!
MSDNC? Never heard of it. Sounds like something elected Progressive Democratic and Democratic socialist leaders subscribe to. All productive Democratic socialists and so-called Progressives Democrats that were elected to office ran as Democrats.

Jimmy Dore show is a propaganda media outlet that serves the right wing agenda. Anything that comes from that source is suspect.

Do you start foaming at the mouth and shout angry words at the screen when Jimmy Dore launches into yet another angry propaganda thought guide? Or is it more like that scene in 1984? You know, the 3 minutes of hate scene.
Biden Touches Girl At Rally Despite Pledge To Respect Women's Space, Gets Slammed Online

Michelle Gustafson/Bloomberg via Getty Images


By Ryan Saavedra
May 28, 2019

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden stirred ire on social media on Tuesday after he touched a young girl at a campaign rally despite pledging last month to be "much more mindful" about not invading people's personal space without their permission.

The New York Times reported that the interaction between Biden and the 10-year-old girl happened after she asked him a question about political division in the country.

"She told him that her favorite subject was journalism, so Mr. Biden proceeded to bring her to the back of the room, where journalists and TV cameras were congregated, and put his hands on her shoulders," the Times added. "The moment raised some eyebrows among online commentators. In the weeks leading up to his entrance into the race, a number of women said Mr. Biden had made them uncomfortable by touching them, leading to a reckoning around the physical way he has often interacted with women in public."

Washington Post national political reporter Felicia Sonmez also documented the incident, tweeting: "In a somewhat odd moment at tonight's AFT town hall, Biden tells a 10-year-old girl, 'I’ll bet you’re as bright as you are good-looking.' He takes her over to the assembled reporters, then stands behind her and puts his hands on her shoulders while he's talking."

"Recall that Biden filmed a video last month in which he vowed to respect women's personal space," Sonmez added. "Seems he hasn't quite gotten the message."


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Why do you guys suppose that the DNC felt like Hillary was exonerated over the email scandal after an investigation but feel that Trump is guilty despite the fact that the Mueller investigation yielded the same results of malfeasance?
“No reasonable prosecutor “ would bring charges against Clinton was the result of that investigation

Mueller went out there today and basically said trump would be facing ten counts of felony obstruction if he could bring charges

So if that is the case.... why haven't our politicians jumped at the opportunity to go ahead and impeach Trump? I mean... if the evidence is there but Mueller feels he can't prosecute due to federal law.... why not go ahead and jump start the impeachment process?
That’s republicans’ jobs

He’s your idiot, not ours
Screenshot_20190529-192221.png yeah because speaking the truth about him is fake news. I wonder how the guy on the left of this photo felt when he was mocked by Dt, it's not just unpresidential it shows the mentality of what we do not need ever under any circumstances
It has always been thus..a vote for Biden is a vote for Clinton moderates in a country that is demanding change..

If you are saying that Bernie is drastically different than Hillary why would Bernie have endorsed Hillary in 2016 and voted the same way so frequently as Hillary when they were both in the Senate ?

A vote for Biden or Bernie is a vote for an eighty something year old senility ridden person to be President.

At least Hillary is only 71, a hot young vixen by comparison.
If you are saying that Bernie is drastically different than Hillary why would Bernie have endorsed Hillary in 2016 and voted the same way so frequently as Hillary when they were both in the Senate ?

A vote for Biden or Bernie is a vote for an eighty something year old senility ridden person to be President.

At least Hillary is only 71, a hot young vixen by comparison.

<Rob Roy gets out raincoat>