Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?

peewee needed to take a dump then it disappeared, lol !!!!
The story of how she got her trail name is a good one. Since she is a hammock sleeper, she can pee under her tarp at night. One night her inflatable pillow fell out of the hammock when she got up to pee, and she didn't know it. The pillow got a little pee splatter on it, but she turned it over and went back to sleep.
"The federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) gives consumers the right to free consumer reports from so-called nationwide specialty consumer reporting agencies every 12 months. Specialty reporting agencies compile reports about such things as your: Residential or tenant history, Check writing and banking history, Employment history, Insurance claims, Medical records and prescription history."

PDF lists reports you can get about yourself
Edit: More importantly, it lets you see if there are errors that can affect your insurance/medical premiums.


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