Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?

Wow Jack! Are you cleaning out your britches as we speak??? I'm so happy that nothing happened to you!!!! My hubby lives in fear of this, especially since mine are outdoor. I on the other hand don't worry as much. I know that what I am doing is right, and I will face whatever consequences. I am making medicine for my husband who has a terminal illness, and I will continue to do so until they stop me, and if they do I will try to get as much publicity as possible for the cause. That being said it would TOTALLY FREAK ME OUT!!!!!! Hope they don't come back Jack!!!
The leutennant told me it was a person of interest in a theift case... a woman who dated your son told investigater's the "the moore household is never out of weed even when no one can find any, I think they have a big big grow!! so when we arrived we thought the house was just a big grow but I see your certainly not doing that so please accept our apollogy's Mr moore if you ever need anything just call! Have a good day sir. and he left after a cup of coffee on my deck with a plant about 2 feet away it's just a babby 22" male keeping for pollen...my son told this girl marbe a month ago that she should move on as they had no future verry honnest! oh well 7-8 day's left to harvest! thank god for ONA as there is no smell...saved my ass! jack
Holy Fuck Jack. I woulda shit my pants. What did your son have to say about it.
That is fucked Jack. They went in the area and still didn't know?
he left after a cup of coffee on my deck with a plant about 2 feet away .

.....I love that part.....

```Way to stay cool under instant pressure brother. I'm sure they were gauging your reaction as well. There ya go, it takes a cagey old veteran to pull that off. Apparently, you were the right one to deal with it. Good stuff !
Still sick to my stomach!! Thank"s jack just took this... the loss would have made me sick!! Too close for comfort! gonna harvest sat and put clone's in the wood's...laying low for a couple of month's...jack..7-11-12.jpg
Best thing so far This AM woke up to loud Knock on door and cop's surrounding my home...street blocked with undercover cop's and two at door with gun's drawn!!They asked if I was the Home owner I said yes..he said can we come in for a minuate Mr. moore I said sure...my wife's sleeping please keep your voices down!..When inside they spread out and "looked around" I said have a seat at the table what is this about??...Well aparently we received some bad information.... we were told this was a grow house but we can see it's not... they walked around the house opened the room with wife sleeping and then said thank you Mr moore were done here! and they called the officer's in my back yard to the front (I'm sure they looked in cellar from outside and never saw anything.....My heart is still pounding!! The ona made it so no smell and the door's were closed so they only saw an ac mounted into the wall...asked why I said I keep wine and it need's slight cooling even in basement...They figured an "OLD MAN" wasn't a grower!! and left I watched the car's drive off and chuckled to my self!! So close yet got away with it because I'm old!!!!! jackView attachment 2250741View attachment 2250743View attachment 2250746

Sorry to hear but obviously you or someone in the household has loose lips or something is tipping neighbors off. Strange they take anyone's (no matter what age) word that they need an AC unit in the basement or cellar, without checking it out even after all the manpower and trouble they already have gone through to raid you.

Are you legal in CA? Why would you worry?
Glad to hear it worked out ok Jack, your experience (age) in life gave you the marbles to keep calm, a thing most younger cats can't do, especially in this situation.