Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?

We used to make the cinnamon toothpick in elementary school for candy $$$. Penny candy then. I liked rootbeer barrels. We don't have em but anybody catch fireflies as a kid?
Ahhhh my first night out in Subic Bay. Do you know what $20 could get you back then?
A "Date"
A Motel room
5-6 San Megells at a strip bar
A Gram of H
All night fun fun
and enough money to get a taxi back to the ship the next morning.
We used to make the cinnamon toothpick in elementary school for candy $$$. Penny candy then. I liked rootbeer barrels. We don't have em but anybody catch fireflies as a kid?

Gawd yes. June evenings, a jar, the edge of the tract ... and that special smell when you grabbed too hard. cn
Did you throw coins to the kids in the shit river?
Yea I did, felt sorry for them pretty little girls and skinny boys with their mouths full of coin all dieing
from God only knows what.
That whole place was a party but if you ever slowed down enough and saw what the people were living like you wouldn't like what you saw.
Jack here usn udt shipfitter underwater welder on the USS Holland AS32 subtender in rota spain 3 year's..came through subic spring 69' "Call me BUBLEHEAD>>>SSN and SSBN's Plank owner on boat allready in mothball's at san diego!!E5...SNIPE...Nuclear lifetime burn out..
I love fireflies and those beautiful metallic green junebugs. I used to tie a string to one and play with it when I was little. I didn't realize how cruel it was then. I used to play in the creek and catch fish, frogs, turtles, and tadpoles. I was the only girl with four brothers. We would build a fort in the woods and we had trails through the neighborhood and shortcuts to everywhere. Those were the days!
I grew up on a dairy with lot's of wood's! I did the same thing's but not with the june bug's the noise they made keept me at bay! and we had lizzard's and snake's, and trapdoor spider's we used to torture! mom told us they can kill you we laughed..my sister and brother!!
I worked on a dairy one summer when I was about 14. That is hard work. I see a gallon of milk today and it looks nothing like the milk we had then with an inch of cream on top. I used to get day old calves from the dairy and raise them to sell. I had about every kind of wild pet that you can think of at one time or another. My dad was soft hearted and would bring home wounded animals and babies that had been separated from their mothers. I raised birds, deer, raccoons, possums, squirrels, and nursed a coyote pup and a red tailed hawk that had been injured. I have always had a great connection with animals and plants and nurturing them is one of the greatest joys of my life.
I know that the weed is better now, but I miss the smell of weed back then, nasty as it was. There was something almost magical about it. I guess because it was new and it took me some place I had never been...which reminds me of the first time I had sex high....wow

Thats because it was full of pm and mold.
I know that the weed is better now, but I miss the smell of weed back then, nasty as it was. There was something almost magical about it. I guess because it was new and it took me some place I had never been...which reminds me of the first time I had sex high....wow

A buddy of mine pulled out a bag of skunk that transported me to my 80's childhood. It was like watching the old man twist a zig zag all over again. Was a one time thing he got from an old head in a barter. Funny how the olfactory works.
Rolling a joint used to be a status symbol. Can you still do it and are you as good as you used to be. Zig Zag
and damm a lot of us old squids in here. first cruise was around south america, six months of party rio, columbia, lima oh my. and no piss tests back then unless you really fuked up.
My early days..saddleshoes, red ball flyers, keds, we travelled in airplanes not jets. I still remember the old Constellations engines firing up. had the first stringray bike in the hood, got older..western boots, levis, white T shirt with Marlboro pack rolled in the left sleeve, zippo lighters, ....I had the famous Farrah Faucett poster on the bedroom wall. ROACHCLIPS!!! I still have one I made on a camping trip in about 1970. Good Humor man.. Not just muscle cars..remember the blacked out/tricked out vans.. always liked seeing hot pants and holter top on a gal.

Hot pants, halter tops and Hip hugger bell bottom jeans, ahh yes, I had a closet full...."hoodies" more to wear tied around your waist than anything, pea-coats...do you remember the "Sizzler" outfits? Short short dress with matching panties, what a tease I was back then...lol

Rolling a joint used to be a status symbol. Can you still do it and are you as good as you used to be. Zig Zag

YES...orange zig zags, can still roll one handed!