Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?

Skateboards made out of your sisters roller skate nailed to a 2 X 4...........one day while shopping for back to school I overheard my father tell my older sister "no I'm not buying you those dungarees (Levi's) they are a Communist plot to get the youth of the U.S. to all dress the same"...........really stiff patches ironed to the knees of your pants to make them last until you grew out of them.......Space food bars, the really shitty tasting Astronaut Food marketed during the space race..........remember the dangerous playground equipment that has since been outlawed, like the "piano slide"?
Thank you all for a great read. Hit the double nickel this yr.

1st car 65 Thunderbird, 28 cents a gal gas and I remember the wk gas went from .40 to 1.20 and none of the pumps had a third dial for the price, just used a magic marker, or taped a 1 to the face of the pump.

1st concert at age 14 - N.R.P.S. & Grateful Dead, I'll let you guess how that turned out. I just saw NRPS again last wk at a local venue, looking at them made me feel young again.
Zig-Zags were a nickel, and Bic lighters weren't invented. It's hard to light a bowl with a Zippo and matches get to be a pain in the ass, so I suppose that's why we smoked more joints then. Bongs came in with the Viet Nam vets returning.
(EVERYTHING was a nickel when I was young- gum, coca-cola, popcicles, candy bars, cough drops- and they were in bigger sizes!)
in 70s? you are one of the senior most person here. Well, I've started growing it in my 6th grade and it's been 13years now. As you said, learned many stuff and it's still interesting as it was initially.
Zig-Zags were a nickel, and Bic lighters weren't invented. It's hard to light a bowl with a Zippo and matches get to be a pain in the ass, so I suppose that's why we smoked more joints then. Bongs came in with the Viet Nam vets returning.
(EVERYTHING was a nickel when I was young- gum, coca-cola, popcicles, candy bars, cough drops- and they were in bigger sizes!)

Thats when a nickel had some power back then.
I picked a quarter up off the sidewalk the other day, and when I did I imagined some fat guy too lazy to bother to bend over to pick it up. When I was a kid in the 60's and I had a quarter, I was all hooked up. I had a lot of possibilities with that quarter.
I remember them days. Everything was a nickel. I was a lil sprout. As I got older We use to buy lids. Columbian Gold, Red Bud.Man them was the best days:leaf:
I remember being a kid in the late 60's in Southern California and going to Thrifty Drug Store to get an ice cream cone. They had an ice cream counter. 5-cents for a single scoop , 10-cents for a double scoop , and 15-cents for a tripple scoop .
And we didn't buy shorts for the summer. We cut our Levis that had holes into shorts.
What's a piano slide? Maybe they called it something else around my neck of the woods.

It was really fun to be the kid that could get to the top high point. You could pull right up the vertical edge but the sloped edge was very difficult. Oh sure do it with your shoes ON, but try it in dry socks!

It was made by Miracle playground equipment and was named something like "The work for it slide" They got dangerously hot in the summer....

If you spend your life expecting 'good luck' to sustain you, you're in for a bumpy ride. On the other hand, if you spend your life looking for things to blame on 'bad luck,' you probably will have no problem finding them.

Good luck likes hard work.
Anyone else have a record called "The Carrot Seed"? or "Train to the Zoo"?
Got your Davy Crockett bubble-gum cards?
Ted Williams, Roy Campanella, Stan Musial, Nellie Fox...
Thats when a nickel had some power back then.
I picked a quarter up off the sidewalk the other day, and when I did I imagined some fat guy too lazy to bother to bend over to pick it up. When I was a kid in the 60's and I had a quarter, I was all hooked up. I had a lot of possibilities with that quarter.

I used to get a quarter a week allowance...and that was a decent wage for push mowing the lawn, doing dishes, laundry and cleaning the house!

A five and dime store was just that....most everything was a nickle and nothing was over a dime!
I had my trusty Daisy BB gun... Remember those straws that you drank thru that made chocolate milk. Gas was regular and Ethyl..and it was pumped, windows washed and fluids/tires checked. Real hamburgers that weren't cooked to death. Nothing like red macurachrome for cuts. Spent the summer with red painted blotches all over. Getting your hair styled was for the ladies. You didn't have to have a mechanical degree to work on a car.. Kids got measles, chicken pox and mumps... Just missed polio as the vaccine came out. Knew kids that got it. Small pox vaccine was normal. How many have gotta pissed screwing with "rabbit ears" on a tv.
My parents spent many hours arguing with each other while fiddling with the rabbit ears on the T.V. at our kitchen table. I think the frustration from the static on the T.V, triggered the arguing.
I had my trusty Daisy BB gun... Remember those straws that you drank thru that made chocolate milk. Gas was regular and Ethyl..and it was pumped, windows washed and fluids/tires checked. Real hamburgers that weren't cooked to death. Nothing like red macurachrome for cuts. Spent the summer with red painted blotches all over. Getting your hair styled was for the ladies. You didn't have to have a mechanical degree to work on a car.. Kids got measles, chicken pox and mumps... Just missed polio as the vaccine came out. Knew kids that got it. Small pox vaccine was normal. How many have gotta pissed screwing with "rabbit ears" on a tv.

They worked better if you added some tin foil!! I remember when we got out first color TV, and there were no remotes....get up off your butt and change the channel! There were only 4 channels anyway, and maybe a UHF channel that only came on in the evening. All the channels went off at night .....playing the national anthem as they signed off.