Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?

i got busted twice while in the AF. within 2 months. lol both times it wasn't my pot. wrong place, wrong stupid friends. i was very short. i lost a stripe but got an honorable discharge.

the air force version of the FBI was the OSI. when patricia hearst got kidnapped, i was friends with a guy who occasionally dated a friend of hers. these 2 guys walked into the office one day, all american looking guys in suits, with some AF cops with them. they talked to the OIC, took my friend and went to his home.

there was pot and pipes etc., all over a table. they didn't find anything about patty and told my bud to get rid of the dope. that was it. no charges.

such odd fellows.

CID Knew but no proof, You know what H at 93% pure about an ounce, went for back in the 70s?? Cost me $220 an OZ.....
My aunt had a boyfriend that went to Vietnam that send back some killer hash I guess. Sadly that man was amongst those that didn't come home....
Welcome new old folks!:bigjoint: Hows everyones prostate? lol I was thinkin' back to the old thai sticks in the 70's..little bamboo sticks with pot wrapped in twine and dipped I guess. It would light ya up..
No she is stuck in the old ways. Even asked if we still do thi sticks. Told her no and she looked at me funny saying that was good shit. I'm almost 40 so yes I know what they are and damn they where good. I think everyone on base knew who we where in the 70's. Dad was a DS. And mom grew. Fuck gotta keep the boys happy they knew they might not come home. First in last out.