Well-Known Member
wow kinda the same now do enough to get by jerk off an weed
yeah all A's an B's before that after that was C's an D's girls weed an jerkin off
i did not play no F's
wow kinda the same now do enough to get by jerk off an weed
Barrel- yo my dude is dat when you started as well
No, I didn't see any until '67 (Maine), but I never looked back! Started on some opiated hash from my friend's brother in the army. He had a top security clearance and brought a bunch of drugs back from Germany, gave us an ounce to smoke. I can still taste it, and never coughed so much- REALLY expanded.
Whats the celebrity gal or guy you ..umm... fantasied to?
What was you old party room like? hell we have Christmas lights, bottles with candles, incense, bongs you could wear on you head, good stereo, gitars and amps, shag carpet with burns.lol '76 Al DeMiola..(spelling) Black light and posters. Panama red, gold, thai, seeds and all..Big bamboo rolling paper..
Well by crackey!
I'm going to be 60 in November. I smoked weed from '69 through '79. I quit when it sold for $45.00 an ounce and the quality turned to shit. I decided to grow my own after seeing the HIGH TIMES cover, in 2008, with an Aerogarden growing several plants. Tried that and tweeked a few things. I now grow 1 or 2 plants for personal consumption, using the wick system. My initial cost was pretty cheap considering the amount I got for my personal consumption. I'm going to learn cloning this year or early next.
I'm going to learn cloning this year or early next.