Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?

Back in the 70's they didnt have the exotic strains they have now but all the rage once in awhile would be the Hawaiian or " HY " as we used to call it. It would cost triple what the regular stuff would cost and blah blah. Now, I found it interesting to read that the same stuff that was the top shelf back then is still available but not especially worthwhile considering its THC content is supposedly down as low as 12% or so.
The Herijuana I run here supposedly is in the 25% range. I dont know about these numbers, but it gives you an idea of where things stood, and where they stand now.
Who remembers a telephone having a rotary dial ? Back then , you didn't buy a phone from the department store . You had to buy them from the phone company and there was maybe three colors and two styles to pick from.
54 YO here.
Spent 24 working for our uncle & learned early on that that damn piss test could really screw shit up so I had to quit.
Graduated into civilian hood in 2000 & began to grow weed & a pony tail shortly after that.
Good to see mature folk not arguing like a bunch of young pups.

USAF for four no more
Who remembers a telephone having a rotary dial ? Back then , you didn't buy a phone from the department store . You had to buy them from the phone company and there was maybe three colors and two styles to pick from.

I remember no dial. You picked up the handset and the operator asked you - Number please- Before we got a tv the nights entertainment used to be listening in on the partyline.
and you could do crank calls and get away with it. 'Hello, is mr wall there?'...........no 'is mrs wall there?'............no 'are there any walls there?'...............no 'Well what the fuck is holding the roof up?'
my fav was ringing the operator. hello?............hello?...........can you hear me....hello?.....is there anyone on the line? operator says 'yes there is!' ..........'Well get the fuck off, there's a train coming!'
You know, I was thinking about this thread today. I will have to admit that I hesitated to post on it the first time because I hate being judged by the "number". If someone doesn't know you and you tell them that you're over 50 they think of you as this old gray haired grandma, and that is definitely NOT me! I still feel good most of the time. I keep myself in good shape. I don't use botox and I don't have wrinkles. I wouldn't trade bodies with any of my daughter's friends. Strangers think that my daughter is my sister. We have been accused of being twins on more than one occasion. She is 36, and I know that I don't look much older than she does. Her boyfriend's buddies are always hitting on me, so I know that I am still attractive. It's not that I am looking for anything, because I'm not, but I just hate being perceived as OLD. I know it sounds vain, but I will bet that there are others out there who refuse to except the fact that they are over the hill, and if not....bring on the haters.
I grew up in the 50's and even if i"m an old fart I can still run with my three son's ages 43,36,34.....so I'm like cindy you would have a hard time arm wrestling me as my opldest is the only one who win's...i let him!! ha ha..I still apreciate a good looking woman...i enjoy a good conversation..which earlier in life may have slowed me down too much!! 62 yo here and happy to have made it this far!! jack