Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?

I still have it in my large closets/creepy side room. Vintage 50s stuff, as well. That smell and feel.
My house was built in the mid-40s, a real warhorse.
Yep, it's still here. Doesn't reflect light for growing worth a damn, either...
My dad made me help him put that dark brown paneling up on 2 walls in every room of the house back in the 70's,, my sister is still in my child hood home and she just recently got ride of it all,, talk about dating the place
Oh and that big Green refridgerator and stovefridge.jpg
i inherited my mom and dads fridge from when they first got married back in the 50's,, and that thing ran for over 50 years,, build like a brick house
... And insulated like one. Those fuckers were anything but energy efficient.

Speaking of, Rick Perry's DOE wants to kill the Energy Star program. Nice work!
although there were several brands the ansen sprint was the most popular & the first out with them others were soon to follow
Cool,, i am a member of the " 5 Slot affianodos" page on facebook,, its all about cars using that style of rims,, some neat rides on there
i inherited my mom and dads fridge from when they first got married back in the 50's,, and that thing ran for over 50 years,, build like a brick house

50s paneling:


40s (petrified/thick) flooring:
(I know, I know, my friends have been yapping at me about stripping/refinishing, but I don't WANT to -- the imperfections directly correlate with deep feelings of nostalgia.)

Cool,, i am a member of the " 5 Slot affianodos" page on facebook,, its all about cars using that style of rims,, some neat rides on there
I graduated in 1975 last 6 mos. of high school carried a draft card the first fuel shortage hit & muscle cars were a dime a dozen & we thrashed them like there was no tomorrow if it didn't smoke tires I wouldn't own it I grew up near Modesto ca. graffiti night every June was happening before it got exploited & commercialized everyone I knew was very untrustful of our government I had a few friends that got busted & got everything squashed by joining the military that stuff really happened it never changes no matter who is in charge people are still people & government is still not to be trusted money was probably changing with one hand while the Declaration of Independence was being signed with the other ...just sayin
New cars just don't do it for me. I drive a 96 Mercedes and hubby has a 97. Yeah, I know they're not 'merican, but they serve us well. The interiors are still like new, and contrary to myth, as long as you don't take them to the dealership, they are fairly cheap to work on. I wish I had all the old American cars I have owned in the 45 years that I have been driving...I'd be rich!
I also collect "mid century modern" furniture, appliances, and knick knacks. They are just more fun than the new stuff, and most is nearly indestructible, like me...I'm a '55!
New cars just don't do it for me. I drive a 96 Mercedes and hubby has a 97. Yeah, I know they're not 'merican, but they serve us well. The interiors are still like new, and contrary to myth, as long as you don't take them to the dealership, they are fairly cheap to work on. I wish I had all the old American cars I have owned in the 45 years that I have been driving...I'd be rich!
I also collect "mid century modern" furniture, appliances, and knick knacks. They are just more fun than the new stuff, and most is nearly indestructible, like me...I'm a '55!
I had a 72 mustang rag and just rented a new GT rag, new one's nicer lol.
I doubt the new one will still be around 45 years from now!
Well neither is the 71 as it rusted to shit...... we use salt up here and I only had one car at the time. My next car was a Ltd II and yup that rusted to lol. All cars in the 70's & 80's fell apart due to shit metal up here, it was a sad state of affairs :(.