Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?

I still have my old scale
Yeah! A "lid" was what you got after you divided up a QP into fourths. Sometimes, it was around an oz. Other times.....lol! You measured the lids by how many fingers high it was in the *baggy. A four-finger lid was a good one. And many of the lids in those days were half seeds and stems....which, of course, we would save in a separate baggy or jar for those cold, winter days when you couldn't get out to score....

*And the baggies were usually "lick-to-seal" style....so you KNOW there was some fucked up bacteria on there. Somehow, we survived though!
Yeah! A "lid" was what you got after you divided up a QP into fourths. Sometimes, it was around an oz. Other times.....lol! You measured the lids by how many fingers high it was in the *baggy. A four-finger lid was a good one. And many of the lids in those days were half seeds and stems....which, of course, we would save in a separate baggy or jar for those cold, winter days when you couldn't get out to score....

*And the baggies were usually "lick-to-seal" style....so you KNOW there was some fucked up bacteria on there. Somehow, we survived though!
Ahh the good old days of snorting seeds in a car cigarette lighter LOL
I remember once when someone decided to make a batch of brownies with their lid....ground it all to powder and mixed it directly into the batter! The brownies turned out rather chewy! There just wasn't a whole lot of information on how to do stuff....until High Times magazine came out! That's when we all started to become more "worldly" about stuff! Of course, IF you got caught with a High Times magazine by your parents in those days, then you were as good as busted.

Speaking of....Does anyone remember the ads in High Times for those "Isolator" hash making machines? I always wondered what was on the inside of those things.
I remember once when someone decided to make a batch of brownies with their lid....ground it all to powder and mixed it directly into the batter! The brownies turned out rather chewy! There just wasn't a whole lot of information on how to do stuff....until High Times magazine came out! That's when we all started to become more "worldly" about stuff! Of course, IF you got caught with a High Times magazine by your parents in those days, then you were as good as busted.

Speaking of....Does anyone remember the ads in High Times for those "Isolator" hash making machines? I always wondered what was on the inside of those things.
i remember lusting after a "Phototron" from the back of high times, i wanted one so bad.....when i finally saw one i was like, "glad i never got one......"
I remember once when someone decided to make a batch of brownies with their lid....ground it all to powder and mixed it directly into the batter! The brownies turned out rather chewy! There just wasn't a whole lot of information on how to do stuff....until High Times magazine came out! That's when we all started to become more "worldly" about stuff! Of course, IF you got caught with a High Times magazine by your parents in those days, then you were as good as busted.

Speaking of....Does anyone remember the ads in High Times for those "Isolator" hash making machines? I always wondered what was on the inside of those things.
We all did that didn't we LOL
I remember making a big batch with mexican brick
No decarb, just ground and dumped it in.
Tasted like dirt and very chewy