Hiding money any ideas?


Well-Known Member
I use pvc....make it look like a drain pipe in the basement or where you have other pvc so it doesn't look out of place. Mason jars slide in nicely, not the easiest thing to access but I rarely need to dig in there.
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Well-Known Member
Buy stock or privately finance someone's property/business. You didn't ask how to hide something, you asked how to hide money. You dont hide money by burying it, stuffing it under your mattress, ect. the biggest issue with hiding money on your property is that in case of a fire your insurance policy dosnt protect undeclared cash. In the case of a police raid they will rip your house apart looking for hiding spaces and finding a few wads of 100s only gives them more excuses to look everywhere. Its easier to hide money by borrowing it and investing it. If you are a member of you community I cant imagine there aren't opportunities to launder this cash through a private business.
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Well-Known Member
I use pvc....make it look like a drain pipe in the basement or where you have other pvc so it doesn't look out of place. Mason jars slide in nicely, not the easiest thing to access but I rarely need to dig in there.
View attachment 165271
You and I are on the same page +rep

PVC is so pratical, easy to work with, many different diameters, cheap, easy to camo., etc


South Texas

Well-Known Member
For certain reasons, this question had to be solved. The underground, buried treasure is all fine & wonderful.... For me, this will not do. I live WAY out in the Country, and hopefully will to the day I die. What I want & need isn't close by. IE: A Hydro shop, 80 miles away. When I need shit, cash in hand or unearthed is worthless to me if I have to do all the traveling. I've found that most of what I want will be brought to my door step via ATM/On-Line. The quest is to have accounts virtually untraceable. Of course you'll want access to cash at hand, but also order whatever you want,when you want it. Here is the advice given to me by a knowledgeable person.
Please correct me if I'm off. In the US, any account with 10 grand or more is obligated to report holdings. This also applies to safe deposit boxes owned & regulated by the Fed. Gov. However, news to me, is that privately owned businesses that offers safe deposit boxes is not obligated by law to report any amount or holdings placed there. For 1/4 mil, 50 in ground, 200 in safe deposit box. If you have to worry about being followed..., a search of your immediate vicinity has already occurred, IE, in ground stash.
Second. Once placed in privately owned safe deposit box, purchase a 5 to 10 grand credit card. Use that for on-line shopping. When the account gets low, recharge the account.
Thus far, this is the best I've come up with & still be able to function in this computer world. Any flaws pointed out would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I use pvc....make it look like a drain pipe in the basement or where you have other pvc so it doesn't look out of place. Mason jars slide in nicely, not the easiest thing to access but I rarely need to dig in there.
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How about a little 15lb fishing line tied around the neck so it can be lowered down farther and then retrieved? OR... super glue a large magnet to the lid, send it way down the pipe, and then use a string with another powerful magnet to retrieve later?

Just some crazy ideas that hit my brain! Mine are usually outside buried, camoflaged, or under H2O. Non-herbal items get camoflaged under the house and cabins as piping.



Active Member
Well if you ever decide to put that kind of dough in the bank you better NOT do it all at once. And if you do decide to do it all at once it better be money to can acct. for and had paid your taxes on. The teller is required to report you on funds (differs somewhat I have heard from bank to bank) over 10,000. They then do an investigation on you and if you can legally prove you made that money and paid the tax you set. otherwise your screwed. So in theroy you could do 9,999.99 deposits on 3 different days but that raises a suspision.

My suggestion is to open a checking acct. with any major bank and start paying rent to yourself. At like $1,500 dollar amts every mth. That way at least you'll be getting it in to the acct. unnoticed.

Plus whats wrong with the bank? at least your being paid a meager (almost) 2% return. Your LOSING money right now AND (in the bank to) if you keep it in the bank. inflations at over 5% meaning the value of your dollar is dropping 5% each year. At least. Times like these when you see GOLD raising like it is... well thats not because gold is all the sudden more valuable. THE US DOLLAR IS LOSING ITs VALUE. and quick. See the dollar is a currency. We were taken off the Gold standard in the 70's by Tricky Dick Nixon... ever since the dollar has stedily lost its value. I could go on and on... but the truth is it's happend all throughout history (currencys losing value to the point of being valued at nothing), take a look at why HITLER was elected.... ;-)

Anyhow the fed will insure your 30K in the bank if the bank goes under or someone robs them... Up to 100,000 actually.

Hope this helps...

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
I have money i made over my years of working and i dont like to put all my money in a bank. now that iam growing and have a med card now i would still like to hide my money some where (a good Spot) that if they cops do come and search my place find and take my money also giving them ammo to say iam a dealer (that iam not). if you guys have any good ideas about a great hiding place please help. thanks jeff

What about renting a safe deposit box? Rent from a different bank then you have your general account at. This is exactly the kind of thing these boxes are made for....

Let the cops search your house with their sniffing dogs... they won't find your cash if it's safely locked away in a safe deposit box away from your home ;)


Active Member
I try not to be judgemental on anyone but hiding your money is disingenuous (dumb). First: If you want to hide it, put in in a safe deposit box. No one will know.

If you do hide it it will become worth less and less each year due to inflation. Your money needs to grow, that is, earn interest. I got this advice 30 years ago and I followed it. For most of my working years I never earned more than 50K yet I retired at 53 w/o any pension. Investing safely and conservatively works. Honest.


Well-Known Member
I try not to be judgemental on anyone but hiding your money is disingenuous (dumb). First: If you want to hide it, put in in a safe deposit box. No one will know.

If you do hide it it will become worth less and less each year due to inflation. Your money needs to grow, that is, earn interest. I got this advice 30 years ago and I followed it. For most of my working years I never earned more than 50K yet I retired at 53 w/o any pension. Investing safely and conservatively works. Honest.



Active Member
I try not to be judgemental on anyone but hiding your money is disingenuous (dumb). First: If you want to hide it, put in in a safe deposit box. No one will know.

If you do hide it it will become worth less and less each year due to inflation. Your money needs to grow, that is, earn interest. I got this advice 30 years ago and I followed it. For most of my working years I never earned more than 50K yet I retired at 53 w/o any pension. Investing safely and conservatively works. Honest.

Hiding 30k is dumb ?!?!?
Inflation ?!!

LOL, i think i know exactly who the dumb one is here !!

Seriously man, your wrong , imo a fool !

Cant believe greensurfer agrees !??!


Well-Known Member
If you are in the US you could by 3 cds...each under 10k each. The feds don't look at anything under 10k. Plus, it is not taxable if under 10k.


Well-Known Member
I try not to be judgemental on anyone but hiding your money is disingenuous (dumb). First: If you want to hide it, put in in a safe deposit box. No one will know.

If you do hide it it will become worth less and less each year due to inflation. Your money needs to grow, that is, earn interest. I got this advice 30 years ago and I followed it. For most of my working years I never earned more than 50K yet I retired at 53 w/o any pension. Investing safely and conservatively works. Honest.
Listen to him, he is right.