Hiding my Greenthumb


Active Member
alright well heres the deal idk if anyone else has asked this or anyone else has posted this problem but....im livin with the rent (its okay im not 40 or some shit) im still in school....i got my location all picked out (outdoors) but i dont kniow what to do when it comes to harvest or where i could do it...same with drying... i like in upstate NY (if that helps) i was just asking for any input...im not growing until the end of may...(input on that aswell will be accepted) manicuring and everything and anything info would be helpful.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
dont do it at the rents place. even if you grow outside, youll still have to dry and cure it and what not at their place 'cause I know when I was younger if one of my buddies wouldve been dumb enough to bring his freshly chopped crop to my place, it definately wouldve been lighter when he came to take it home.


Well-Known Member
Get a cheap hotel room that has a microwave and get busy. Bring some bottles for curing and then cure it under your bed at home. An ionizer machine to try and whack the smell from the microwave might be good too...


Well-Known Member
This method is far from ideal, but good for certain situations. From another forum...

Dankmaster's Microwave Steam Method
A vast improvement in quick dry technology. It does a satisfactory job fairly quickly. Trichomes don’t burst and flavor while not great isn’t awful anymore -- which is all I can say for any of the previously mentioned methods. What the method does is use steam to dry out the weed.

Necessary items

*Tupperware container with lid.

*Buds fresh off the plant (cut into small pieces, don’t shred them – cut into nice little chunks).

*3-paper towels.

*Microwave with power setting options.


First, take 1/4 piece of a paper towel and lay it on the bottom of the Tupperware container. Then put your cut up weed on the paper towel. Next, take two paper towels, fold them several times and get them wet. Wring out most of the water. You want the paper towels wet but not dripping. Now, you lay the paper towels over the top of the Tupperware making sure that you completely and evenly cover the top. Then take the lid and squeeze it almost all the way on. When I say almost I mean to get all sides and corners on tight except for one corner to allow the steam to exit. Now your ready to put your steam dryer in the microwave.

Set the microwave power to 40 or 50 %. I recommend 40% -- I tried it on full power the first few times and it didn’t work nearly as well. Now set it for a minute and let it go. Take it out and let the steam evaporate out and let sit for 15-20 seconds. If the bottom paper towel (the one that the buds are on) is wet change it. If the two paper towels you were using are dry make sure to re-wet and wring out and put back over top and put lid on in same way.

Now microwave at 40-50% for another minute and repeat process for typically 3-5 minutes. This is the best method if you need the herb in less than 20 minutes.


Well-Known Member
microwaved weed is shitty. I dont care how its done, its still shitty. the way mentioned above is better than normal microwaving it, but it still sucks none the less. nothing dumber than taking a couple months hard work, and ruining it in 30 seconds.


Active Member
well i dont want to ruin my ladies...what about the good old fashioned drying? how hot does it have to be for them to dry? could i do it out side?....i mean i would but...idk if it'll be hot enough....and is there anyway to mask the smell at all? like would the dryer sheets work? fuck i dont know how to dry my babies!!@!!@ HELP!!@!@


Well-Known Member
Yes outside is fine if you build a dark box and are able to everyday or so circulate air in it and check the buds for rot...

Just chop it, manicure it and hang it up and forget for a week... then just glass jars which are airtight under the bed, open every day 4 - 5 times and youve cured it...


Well-Known Member
Yes outside is fine if you build a dark box and are able to everyday or so circulate air in it and check the buds for rot...

Just chop it, manicure it and hang it up and forget for a week... then just glass jars which are airtight under the bed, open every day 4 - 5 times and youve cured it...
definately better than the microwave. microwaved weed..lol.


Well-Known Member
Get a cheap hotel room that has a microwave and get busy. Bring some bottles for curing and then cure it under your bed at home. An ionizer machine to try and whack the smell from the microwave might be good too...
the microwave oven is absolutely bad idea man.r u crazy?all of the THC will evaporate.