the seeds are legit, but the customer service leaves something to be desired.
This was similar to my experience when I got a couple packs of Appy F3s from Riot seeds, but typically I’d much rather go through Shoe at Headiegardens if he has what I’m after in stock.
Shoe isn’t lighting fast to ship either but he definitely will let you know when he does send it with tracking, and he won’t give you any BS excuse.
Plus, he’s always been a very down to earth, honest, and and just an all around good dude in my experience, for example when I’ve reached out about orders and/or payment.
And if you aren’t familiar with the Headiegardens ordering process, you do send cash with a tracking number, so you can give it to Shoe via email or discord, but I have never had any issues or have heard about others running into issues with him.
Just thought I’d chime in real quick on this topic, because I know a lot of people in our industry aren’t fans of Mr. Riot, and I’m not necessarily a fan of his by any means, but I definitely don’t think I’m the one who is in the kind of position to judge his drug usage, but to each his own. I genuinely don’t blame y’all at all if you dislike Riot, as you may know something I’m not aware of, I really just don’t know enough to make a legitimate opinion in any direction about him.
To elaborate on the drug use BS, I’ve had some issues with substances over the years, one of the worst being opiates that were started as prescribed by doctors for my injuries in bad car accidents, so I was on Percocet initially, they later upped it to Roxy’s, and eventually I was on heroin.. Seriously look at my example even just oral pills taken as directed develop into heavy physical addiction and fuckery if you aren’t careful, so I definitely went through all hell.
I’ve been recovered now for quite some time, actually a bit over 12 years now, so not too worried if folks judge me for it, as it is part of how I got quite so deep into using Cannabis as medicine, and then eventually growing my own to have a steady and high-quality supply at all times.
Just my .02… As always happy growing, and Peace! ☮