If one timer can run 24/7 reliably so can two

I use 12vdc pump, timers and solenoids for hpa. The timers pull 3mA when idle and 15mA when the SSR`s are active, next to nothing in running costs.
In most cases of DPDT switches and relays, pins 3 & 6 would be the commons. If thats the case you want +24v supply on pin 6, which switches to pin 5 or pin 8 (providing +24v to the individual timers). The outputs from the timers connect to pin 1 & pin 4 and pin 3 would be connected to the system solenoids. All the negatives commoned with a wire nut or connector block.
Running 2 timers 24/7 allows you to alter the night cycle timing when the lights are on, and the day cycle timing when the lights are off. Mine remember their settings but i cant change them unless they have power